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RE: Giving me what I want

in #liberty6 years ago

Either way, arms would be necessary for both sides:

For the private citizen to protect themselves and their family or loved ones.
For the government they would want to arm their forces against hostile enemies of the state.

Therefore, the government will never hand you a gun unless you are working for them and against the citizens of their own or another government entity/agency.

Guns might be the topic here, but they are not the answer.

Money is the answer to 99/100 questions.

Governments normally don't get overthrown or even intimidated by the threat of violent force. It creates a pissing match actually.

Back to money.

It's debatable but widely accepted that at one point in his life, Amschel Rothschild said "Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws"

The true power comes from the money supply. The same money supply that is manipulated, debased, and controlled not by your own government, but by a private corporation acting as an agent with no oversight or limitations.

Why? Well, at this point they are shall we say, "Too big to fail" but that's at least where there is a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel if you consider the powers of crypto. I will leave my rant at that for now, but I could probably go on for hours.

Put down the gun, and let me know your thoughts.


Governments arm themselves to coerce their subjects at least as much as they arm themselves against potential invasion by other governments. Governments are not benevolent protectors of the populace. they are organized crime, plain and simple.

Well yeah, duh but that doesn't grant them a get-out-of-jail-free-card
The government still has to put on the show and make it look like they are defending freedoms and protecting its citizens. Everyone will probably agree that the gov is nothing but a big cartel. Get down or lay down. Silver or lead... I'm not sure what you're arguing in defense of... ?

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