Facebook censorship

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

They call it fact check.

And it seems to be biased all the way...

Experienced for the first time.

It has been stated that there is a first time for everything, like a prostate examination for instance. Now, I will do my best to keep this article a bit lightweighted even though it is about a heavy subject. Still a bit disturbed by the experience of a status update of mine being removed by Facebook {FB} Incorporated. And I already read on SteemIt, the decentralized freedom of expression platform on a blockchain, that there was an FB filter that caused shadow posting. Meaning your friends at FB would not have a big chance of being able to see your status updates if it contained a SteemIt link. Or any other kind of link to an external source the huge FB needs to save us all from. While it is of course about advertisers and the revenue model for their investors. For those who do not know yet, for FB inc. you are the product...

And I did notice that almost all my posts I shared via Twitter on FB concerning Steem got no response. Looked like indeed it got filtered from the mainstream status updates, fat chance of them getting trending there. Okay I can live with that, as I do mainly use Steem and its all kinds of applications. But a status update getting censored, that was a reTweet from a newspaper article posted on FB too, that was new to me. It was due to a fact-check of a third party, in this case an online news paper, that my status update was considered to be, as it is also known fake-news. Oh noooo, it is the Russians again! Wonder what they tried to brainwash me into this time. Must have been very bad for FB to remove my status update, a shared link to a newspaper article. From a regional mainstream media producer. Did the Russians get to them too? This must be a huge conspirancy, they are everywhere...! (By the way this is ment to be satirical, in case you missed some hints.)

Can cannabis oil heal people?

The subject of the original article was about a horrible disease, called cancer, and a man of the age of 85 who claimed cannabis oil healed him. There is controversy about this subject and I am fully aware of this. And I lost quite a few people very dear to me, like my dad, because of that awefull illness. But, I am also convinced in the case of my dad, it was chemo that destroyed him within half a year. It has almost been 14 years since he went out off time. Had I known about cannabis oil and its possible healing effects of destroying cancer cells, I would have asked him to start using that. Because heavy chemo destroys a lot more than cancer cells only. And he had a very heavey treatment back then, that was what destroyed him, not the actuall cancer. Now I know this might be painfull to read. Because you, who reads this might have had some sad experiences like me, letting go of dear ones. They maybe had chemo, some might even be stated healed. Then I am glad they did. Most of us cling to life and want to do about everything to extend it, me too.

The article was about something I already knew about from my neigbourhood. At least three people that could not be helped with any known medical treatment started to use cannabis oil and improved, or even healed. Something that seems to be tough to be explained from a traditional medical point of view. Doctors have learned that only pharmaceutical drugs and treatments work, that is a paradigm that comes with a financial reward system. And also doctors who keep true to this paradigm of the pharmaceutical industry will want to keep their image clean. Even if a worldwide renown oncology doctor, pancreas specialist, states chemo often is a last hope treatment. And he is investigating the effects of kurkuma on cancercells. As a result the whole pharma industry and all related started to attack him. He finances his own research and tells about how the pharmaceutical industry pays doctors to push their treatments. Well, there is a suprise...

Sometimes money trumps truth.

At a very rare honest moment former US president G.W. Bush stated, somewhat out off his comfort zone: "Sometimes money trumps peace." It is like some celebrating the profits they made of the most recent war in Syria. Now that inconvenient truth of mister Bush actually made me understand why my status update got censored by the allmighty centrally controlled FaceBook. Money can trump the truth, no pun intended here towards the current president of the USA. From my own experience I know people who were supposed to die by the causes of cancer and apparantly got healed using cannabis oil. (The one with CBD and THC in balance.) And I am convinced that every human being should have the right to decide for her- or himself what treatment they want. Not the pharmaceutical industry enforcing their treatment, and if people do want it, it should be their own free substantive choice.

The article that FB referred to as being a true factual one, was actually biased against the possible healing effects of cannabis oil. With the most horrible examples to rage against it, as if it was total and utter quack. And the article of the regional newspaper at least asked serveral sources to comment and ended with a Cancer Research Foundation statement that stated they still were not convinced and believed chemo was the best choice for treating cancer, so far. This was not to my liking, even though being a well balanced article, but I know it needs a paradigm shift first. As treating people their illnesses is something different than actually healing them. And I do understand the pharmaceutical industry needs the profit. Thus keeping humans on drugs for the rest of their lives... Well, it is not my paradigm, but I do understand their economical incentives. Or to freely paraphrase G.W. Bush: "Money sometimes trumps the truth."

Illegal, therefore silenced.

One of the sad parts of this all is that those who got healed are mostly afraid to speak out about their usage of cannabis oil. They are still around, I saw one of them recently and I felt happy about it. But it is just from mouth to ear, kept out off the mainstream media that is very powerfull, that news about this possible cure is being spread. Seems like a big digital newspaper can also trump a smaller one, in this case. And the allmighty FB can decide over life and death, just by hiding another truth. It made me very sad at first, as I really miss my dad, what if he could have used cannabis oil... But that will not change anything now and I know that. Yet, for others it can mean hope, or at least make their suffering less painfull. Maybe to help them during chemo, as that treatment does have quite some severe side-effects. And in the meantime I think it is important to investigate the healing effects of cannabis, put some science into it.

This should be about healing people, not the loss of possible milking cows for the pharmaceutical industry! Truth should trump lies! As I know what it is to lose people I love, just like you, dear reader, I do want it out there if there is a treatment that actually can heal our dear ones. And I know there are many out there struggling to overcome this awefull disease called cancer. Many who support them in each and every way possible to them. And if chemo works, than that be it. But if a human being wants to try something different then they should have the right to do so. Who are the so called government, the medical order and the pharmaceutical industry to deny this right to any substantive human being... Money trumps truth too many times, time for the truth to set us free!

Thank Steem I can publish this.

This is a very controversial subject. Lots of emotions involved, I know, because it kept me awake and gave me a short night sleep. My intentions are good, I want people to live long, healthy and happy. And I miss those dear to me and not only because it is near the holidays. It really makes me sad the way giant central control structure companies like FaceBook are becoming Big Brother is watching you for real. After realizing this, the anger comes, especially because the subject it did hide by its powerfull censorship. This seems very scary to me. Are we going towards a new fascists kind of colletivism lead by huge multinational corporates?

At first I wanted to write about it on Facebook, but this morning I got up in anger and thought that the best way would be to publish about it on a decentralized Social Media Platform on a blockchain: Steem. Now there is a risk of this article getting flagged. Suppose some big investor bought a lot of Steem Power to flag the living daylight out of these kind of posts. Well, no potential payout and then hidden at SteemIt dot com, but it would still be out there, on the Steem blockchain. Visible at censorship free websites no matter how many flags it got. It is on the blockchain, decentralized, secured, like being engraved in stone. Thank Steem for that!

This is in loving memory of my father, who was taken out of time fourteen years ago, due to the causes and treatment of cancer. If there is hope for others out there who suffer from any disease to be healed by any treatment the current medical system (pharmaceutical industry) disapproves of, then that should be a signal for us to get the truth out there. And we can, thanks to a decentralized Social Media plaform on a blockchain like Steem.

Our thoughts are free.
Image CC0 licensed by @oaldamster.


Instead of the flag you're talking about, I'm more for a lot of resteems.
To begin with MINE!.
Awesome post! Masterpiece!

Thanks man!
Appreciate your support very much!

Im sorry to hear you lost your close ones. But is there al ready anybody in The Netherlands who cures his/her cancer? I certainly believe medical threatment with thc etc can cure cancer. But its not yet proven on humans in The Netherlands. But im not really on top of this.

Have a good day there!


They don't want anyone to know anything that threatens the status quo. A sad fact even when it involves human life. Great post dude


That summerizes it perfectly, thanks mate!

promoted in the chat

Thank you Ivy.

Don't even get me started on this one, or I will talk a blue stream when I'm too busy to do so -- but let's just say that I know of SEVERAL cases of malpractice with some of them, I strongly, suspect being premeditated murder in the case of my mom and my aunt.

And I've taken prescription drugs that have made me worse instead of better.

I have several things I need to do in the course of the next several hours, but you can bet that I'll be back here posting a.s.a.p.

AND I've also had status reports blocked for no good reason. But more on that later tonight or tomorrow.

There are many questionable things going on concerning the pharmaceutical industry. And I understand you have your own story to tell. The business of treating people their illnesses is something different than actually healing them.

There seem to be some in the medical profession realm that have mixed those two up.

Here at Steem we have freedom of expression, looking forward to your post.

As soon as I get some business taken care of, I'll be posting more. You can count on that. Are you following my goddaughter, @tecnosgirl, btw? I think that the two of you would have a lot to talk about.

That's why I won't mention it on facebook that even my doctor advised me to look into canabis oil for my disease instead of getting back to "normal" meds if the symptoms starts again. He said it might be helpful. Yep, I got a good doctor :-)

Yep, that is a good doctor indeed. ;-)

And if you put it on FB you know Big Brother is watching over your shoulder and will censor it right away.

Just use it when needed and keep silent about it. If that is what it takes then so be it.

Good thinking. Great work.

Good writing @oaldamster. You explained it very well. Thanks for sharing with us.

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