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RE: Not everything is acceptable

in #liberty6 years ago

But remember, not all molestation is sexual. Enforcing "the law" is a form of molestation. Governing is molestation. Forbidding people to use their property as they see fit, forbidding them to trade as they see fit, all of that sort of thing is just as much a form of molestation as what you're talking about.


I agree , ...just the context I took it in.

I know a 15 year old girl who was 'molested' daily by UN peace keeping forces (spit) -everyday- to obtain humanitarian food aid for herself and her family - after a war.

The word 'Molestation' - Word association on my part.

I would disagree on it being 'just as much', however...

Several girls that I know of, have had their lives wrecked by molestation, but non that I know of, have suffered too much from a speeding ticket..

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