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RE: Inconsistency is a hallmark of statism

in #liberty6 years ago

I think if it were voluntary it wouldn't be government.

I wouldn't interfere if people wanted to have their own little voluntary "government" as long as "membership" or compliance wasn't decided by geography. Churches don't claim a monopolistic territory. Their "territories" overlap and coincide. People just join the one they like or opt out altogether*. If people don't want to join, leave them out of it. Governments should work the same way.

*When my older daughter was killed 3.5 years ago, my parents got a lot of local sympathy over the death of their granddaughter-- I got almost none for the death of my daughter. But I knew it was because I don't attend or belong to any of the churches that are so important to social life in this area. So there are costs to opting out. Just like there are costs to belonging.


Man that is so good, I agree with that totally. If there was freedom of association with these "governments", if they start going tyrannical, you just leave haha. I think it is the best of both worlds. I don't think some people will ever come around to not wanting a state... and i guess that is fine for them as long as it is a non-violent state, but yeah don't force be to be part of it.

Wow... I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I can't even begin to grasp the pain of what losing one of my children would be like. My heart goes out to you man. Just know that you are a light to many in the world so I think she would be proud of the work you do and people you inspire :)

That is typical I guess, the more social you are and people that are involved in your business (which I personally don't like), the more outreach you might expect from the community. I am glad your parent's got sympathy, but yeah I would think things would have been harder on you and you would have seen some too.

Well thank you for sharing something so personal, I imagine it's not easy to talk about. I really appreciate that :)

I've written quite a bit about my daughter's death and the surrounding circumstances. It's not easy, but it may be better to get it out than keep it in.

For sure. I have always found that it helped me personally to talk about the death of my older brother (after some time passed and I was able to do) so and more recently of my father.

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