Nationalists, flags, and "leftist commies"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #liberty7 years ago

I see that the Sportsballer/Holy Pole Quilt flap is quickly separating the liberty respecting individualists from the collectivist State apologists. And it's not pretty.

Yes, your boss can probably force you to worship an idol while you are on the clock, but no decent boss would ever do that. And no self-respecting person should feel obligated to accept such a "job" offer. (Of course, thinking this way is why I am perpetually broke, so feel free to disregard my opinion.)

Declining to participate in a government extremist ritual isn't much of a "protest" if you ask me. Especially since kneeling instead of standing and repeating the chant is still participating. It doesn't even approach what I would consider a protest. But nationalists are easily triggered.

I also realize that the sportsballers have no clue. They don't understand what they think they are protesting, in most cases. Maybe a few do, but for most it's still just a form of going with the crowd.

But, if you are going to start ranting about how the "protesters" are "commies" or something to that effect, then you are aligning with the State, in the worst way possible.
Against liberty.
Against everything the country you believe you are standing with supposedly stood for.
You are choosing collectivism over liberty.
You are siding with Rulers.
You are the one acting like a commie, regardless of your projection and angry words to the contrary.

If you choose statist rituals over liberty, you are not on the right side, even if some of those you rant against are also wrong.


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"But nationalists are easily triggered."

Yes, they are. It's pretty damned pathetic too. They're so badly programmed that they cannot even understand the absurdity of their position.

Why do you refuse to join us in, friend? You are a friend and Liberty Professional. Come in, sit down, have a drink, and talk about life changing ideas with us.

I'm not much of a chatter. I'm a member of a forum that I keep neglecting for the same reason. (And, actually, I didn't even remember that Steemit had a chat feature.)

Ah, I resemble @dullhawk's remark here... Perhaps unfortunately, also not much of a "chatter." Usually don't have the time for it or don't even think of it.

Don't think it makes us any less keen for liberty... And we radical anarchists need to support one another, wherever we may be found hanging out! ;)

We really need to consider grouping up into communities. Hard times are coming. Genuine friends as your neighbors would be a huge boon.

I definitely need to review everyone I'm following, "classify" them somewhat, and get around to the blogs that I value more often! :O

Thanks for responding. ;)

Ahh, I meant offline as well as online though. haha The is the best way to organize for this platform. Join us in the #libertyprofessionals channel! :)

I can vaguely see the argument proponents of the stand for the flag argument are coming from. The values and morals that were commonplace are quickly being eradicated. Nuclear family, stable employment, retirement, home ownership, community and the pledge before school.

This is another step in the opposite direction to that ideal of what is American. Now among all of these super paid athletes, there is a newer, highly visible network of people that cram this down their throats, again, opposite of their own morals. Thus the outrage.

The effects are as over the top dramatic as the cause. In wanting them to do their bidding, they are exercising the same overt tactic that has been used in their programming.

There is a method to this, it is not by mistake or accident. The logical choice would be turn it off if you don't like it. Continue to live your own life in the fashion you choose, but responding in the exact fashion to the oppression that they may be unwittingly been exposed to, is exactly the purpose of all this nonsense.

Very good take and followed!

I guess this is why I think ethics are superior to morals. If their "morals" include a socialist pledge to an empire's flag, their morals are flawed and unethical. Just like when people's morals included acceptance of chattel slavery.

I have no problem with most of their other "morals" and values, in fact, I share a lot of them. But their hypocrisy in including the pledge and other forms of State symbol worship is actually counter to the other things they value- only they refuse to see it.

I have zero interest in watching team sports or in joining in flag worship, so I am just an outsider rolling my eyes at all of this silliness.

Here is my stance if your interested.

Ethics, vs morals. Now isn't that one of the greatest debates!? Ethics bind a society and keep them honest. Create order and a general sense of progress within.

Morals on the other hand strengthen the self and even a family unit. A great equalizer to the righteous superiority of ethics.

I too find all this very silly, right down the the act of kneeling. Didn't a certain Mexican liberator claim "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

It has been a joy to watch, guilty pleasure even, folks run around with their hair on fire. To me it reinforces my belief that heavy hands are guiding these folks.

This was my comment to your video...What have you given up for THAT flag? My Family has bled, one is disabled and served seven plus years and another (enlisted in March 2001 and is still active) has lost many partners lives serving five tours between 2002 and 2010 alone. SO maybe the fact is that your flag is not representative of a struggle. You can protest or worship it any way you want. If you disrespect The flag of These United States by taking a knee in front of the wrong person, you will soon understand that YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND what flags mean to others. Some people will be offended, others are going to beat your ass. You should realize they are usually people who enjoy fighting OBVIOUSLY, so I hope you know what you are doing.

This is my response to your post....It seems that a few seem to think the US flag is made by President Trump, and appear to only have a problem with it because of him. I can respect the Anarcho-Capitalist mentality if that is a persons drive. However, when Berwick talks shit about OUR flag, fuck him. He may have struggles, but he does not know the US at all. He has a rich man's view. SO why am I writing? The issue for me is the fact you are not realizing you are challenging Patriots. Men and Women are fighting and dying for what the Flag represented, and REPRESENTS and can REPRESENT. If they want to religiously worship it, what do I care. I am not a believer in any organized religion per se. Is the Government too big, YES, too costly, YES, over reaching, over funded, in too many areas, YES YES YES. Should we fight among ourselves about kneeling or standing NO. It all sounds easy. It sounds real easy to say it, no government is best. I personally believe we should have a tiny honey badger of an over-prepared (tiny by modern stats) military as a Federal Government and let the States be the incubators. How will we get there? Will people listen to you? I don't know. I know if the returning Soldiers are shown that the Government is in shambles, they are the fighters, convert them to the cause and help the cause. Some in this community aren't biting on this flag controversy stupidity. Some us are looking for a return on our investment, not a shit show of disrespect. I know some of you don't want to save the Country and feel emblematic loyalties are childish or Paganistic. I don't care if you are right. How am I to recruit returning Soldiers or retired Law Enforcement officers if all of the base of this group is either at the Dentist getting their teeth fixed or is out alienating all the people I am approaching?

And in my reply to your comment, I noted that you are an idol worshiper. Whatever floats your commie boat.

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