Libertarians: Why aren't you VEGAN?

in #liberty6 years ago

To the Libertarians out there, who believe in doing no harm to other humans: If you're not vegan, why not?

Do YOU even know the answer, yourself? You owe it to yourself to find out, at least. ✌️ 🐄 ❤️

veganism why not go all the way.png

I see being vegan (someone who doesn't harm other animals) as similar to, related to, and part of being "awake" (conscious). Once you make veganism part of your lifestyle, you realize that putting cows, pigs, and chickens through hell was the wrong thing to be doing - all your life. When your shame becomes anger and you inevitably turn it upon the system that promotes and profits off animal agriculture, your understanding of the depth of deception expands.

"What else, that I once held as sacred, and made part of my everyday life, is actually indoctrinated evil? What are almost all humans doing, thinking it to be normal, that is completely backwards?"

If you consider yourself intelligent and conscious, but you still can't seem to see the GLARING animal agriculture deception you're participating in, what good is your opinion to the rest of us?

#intellectualhonesty #bethechange #integrity #veganism #notafad #wecanstillhavepizza


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So I am curious where most people fall on lab grown meat? This is going to become "normal" soon enough. I think its gross as hell and would never knowingly put something like that in my body, but does it alleviate the ethical concerns of killing animals for food? Interesting to think about at the very least.

Thanks for your comment! I've never had "vat meat" but I hear it's coming along in taste, texture, etc. Thing is, I don't miss sinking my teeth into animal muscles (or fat, organs, skin, etc). I miss the convenience, so maybe a "beyond burger" is in my future (although I can't have the wheat in the bun). But actual realistic flesh, I don't see the point. I understand that some people will want it, perhaps during a transition period, but I don't know if we'll need to create meat in labs forever. I'd love to see the world move over to a plant (and fungi) based diet! Along with bacterial helpers, that's everything we could ever need, and it can be formed into just about any texture/colour/flavour desired.

I'm with you there. I used to eat meat literally every day. I honestly think I was addicted to it. It has been a long time since I have eaten meat and have no desire to go back to eating it.

Because it's junk science from a pop culture tabloid website, and because I'm not a baby. Did you even read that before you posted it?

To be honest? Nope.

Ha, you got me to apologise without reason.

The comment was made (in the tabloid you do not like, I presume because they are anti-globalist/socialist) by:

Chief physician Allan M. Lund at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen

That does not sound 'pop culture' or not backed by serious science. The facts matter more than our pet likes and dislikes.

Sorry we had to spar, I'd thought you were anti globalist and against the depopulation of Europe by Europeans, but your comment about the news site indicates otherwise. To be honest, I will never quote any of the MSM, unless it is to ridicule their reports, so we are not likely to agree on much.

I do think that some vegans do it wrong and don't properly supplement their nutrition for what is needed for their particular needs and end up being deficient in something they need that can ultimately cause health problems. Also I don't think going cold turkey (pun intended) vegan is good either as your body will need time to adjust to a new diet and properly detoxify itself. But that is just my opinion.

I’d be a vegan but I like BBQ hamburgers and Steak too much. Oh yeah... and I practically I’ve on bacon

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hahah, yeah, can't say I haven't heard that response before! :P
I like grilled food too, there are lots of options for puck-shaped protein patties that can be BBQd out back, which don't have any animal parts, but taste crazy good. Myself, I don't crave protein pucks. But yeah, that flame-grilled and fatty flavour, with a sweet sauce of some sort, yum. I like to make kebabs and grill them. Back when I was eating prawns (I consider them mosquitos-of-the-sea, and I kill mosquitos on sight, vegan or not) I used to alternate the skewers with a prawn, a pepper, an onion, a garlic, and back to prawn again. Maybe some fungi on there as well, doused in herbs and olive oil, grilled to perfection.
I don't know what a vegan equivalent to a steak is. I guess they do have some pretty good fake meats now, including steaks, so within a few years you should be able to get realistic plant-based steaks, roasts, etc.
The vegan cheeses are dare I say it often better than breastmilk cheeses. A few years ago, they still sucked, but we seem to have figured that out now.

bean burgers all the way!

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