
Some outstanding observations, my friend.

To those who say "You're free to leave," I reply "You're free to leave me alone."



I like your response better, I may have to adopt that one going forward. :)

I totally agree with you on that. I don't understand how so many people support so many new laws that blatantly take away peoples freedoms and rights thinking they are going to stop bad people who don't even care about the law in the first place. We all have the right to life liberty and happiness but so many people trade freedom for safety. Its so sad and it pisses me off lol Give me liberty or give me death! great post!

I'd rather live free by the day than a lifetime in chains.

Our crushing legal system is designed to benefit and protect the wealthy who easily sidestep the same restrictions while sailing easily through loopholes when called out by the same laws using the coin the masses pay in taxes or get convicted for failure to pay.

The only way I can see to win is to stop playing. It seems we just have to have fangs, we don't have to use them hopefully.

Yes, but how to do it without ending up behind bars?

That very question is why I feel the system is designed to create slaves. The threat of prison is an inherent violence that people don't seem to recognize. All I can say is you are going to have to break some laws and live off grid to not go to jail, but there's always the chance someone stumbles upon you and you reports you etc. There is no easy or safe way to abstain. I simply stopped giving consent and don't put my name on things anymore.

It seems like the only way, yet daily Big Brother locks his sights on us in more and more insidious ways.

Some laws are borderline censorship.

Have you heard the debate with Jordan Peterson and Theryn Meyer regarding Bill C16 in Canada? You might find it interesting. It's too complexe for me to explain it, but they have the proper words.

I'll try to check it out, I'm from the U.S. but who knows maybe I'll jump the border one day. :)

Before you have to jump the wall lol

Then again, have you heard about what Cards Against Humanity is doing? They bought a piece of land on the border and are trying to make things long and tenuous for the wall building.

CAH cracks me up, but they're stunts are often very thought provoking. Last year they did the Holiday Hole where the just kept digging a hole for however much money people were willing to waste on it. It was a very obvious shot at Black Friday and the state of consumerism we find ourselves surrounded by.

And people buy into it to see how far they will go to make a point. It's funny how people are willing to spend money on... Is it them who sold poop in their game boxes?

They could do a lot of change, more than some of the things they already do, but I guess once it becomes serious and presented in a more meaningful manner, people are less willing to put their money into it. Whatever CAH ahve, it's a very effective marketing technique.

Excellent post, friend, just a few hours ago I made a post that addresses the issue of laws in society, I urge you to go through it, and give me your opinion about it.

I really enjoyed this. I cruise the philosophy section looking for something that gets my attention. I like the idea of there being a game to play. That is something we always say. I do use that line "if you don't like it leave". I say it though when people complain about everything. That being's when they are working and paying bills and playing the game. I do believe we can choose to not play. That would be the "leave" part. The hardest thing we have found about "not playing the game" is how interwoven EVERYTHING is. Like your credit score having bearing on your car insurance rate....unbelieveable. It's being built more and more to completely consume us all. Even if we don't want to play...we end up playing...

I agree most of us play it to some extent because it's almost impossible not to, but I do believe it's entirely possible to just go out into the woods and survive outside of the system if we have to.

while i do agree on some laws, I am also on the fence about others, and herein is a slippery slope. if we allow other people to decide what is and is not a "just" law, then we leave the path open for disregard of what may be "victim-less" crimes that can potentially turn into true crimes. for instance speeding. in and of itself, this is a victim-less crime. until someone is injured. if too many people go about with the idea that its ok to speed because it is victimless, there is a lot more likelihood that people will become statistics. so while it is a mostly victimless crime, it is a logical and just law for people to follow. (altho i do disagree about the cost of tickets as they are totally rigged for the system). another apparently victimless crime in some peoples eyes is pirating (music, video) because the argument is the profit just goes to business. personally i think thae way the music industry pays is bunk, and while i dont like it, I think artists are hurt in the long run, so not victimless. the issue is - who decides what crimes are victimless? and how do we go about getting the truly victimless crimes (pot smoking, agreed) off the ledgers? signed, devils advocate..

My point is that I don't care what other people think are or are not victimless crimes and that I don't care what the ledgers have to say about it. I disregard the entire system because it's fundamentally designed to keep us enslaved by the "moral majority" which is heavily manipulated. There's no devil's advocate when I simply stop playing the game and the system has no control over me.

i understand, however i disagree. I don't feel that the "entire" system is designed to enslave, just what has come out in the last fifty years or so. there are some laws that I find worthwhile and necessary. I tolerate the system - for now and I totally agree that government is manipulated and that our system of checks and balances is fked. however i am not ready to throw out the whole system. Some people are not content unless they have someone else to make their decisions, and I think a good portion of people are just ignorant fanatics and I don't trust them to make rational decisions out guns, defense, right and wrong, etc. I am not sure what a government run by anarchists or even libertarians would look like, and yes, that scares me a bit. however i think the system we have has to go as well. my question is more, what would happen if we all stopped "playing the game" and did whatever we want? do you think living peacefully with no system of control is possible?

If people can't live peacefully with the system, which clearly we can't, then what difference does it make?

lol. hmmm. point. however i question the degree at which some violence is deterred versus what is not. i think a lot of violence is caused by the inequality in the system, of creating slaves forced to live in a world where they are next to worthless. the question them becomes, how do we overthrow a system which is inherently flawed when it is backed by the government and leaders? i used to be anti gun, but at this point im wondering if revolution can be peaceful. and how soon it is coming.

This is one of my favorite quotes on the subject

“An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so. Now the law of nonviolence says that violence should be resisted not by counter-violence but by nonviolence. This I do by breaking the law and by peacefully submitting to arrest and imprisonment.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

I find that I've been getting resistance when I bring up Gandhi and people call him racist etc. Then again I remember always spelling his name Ghandi, but that's a whole Mandela Effect debate at that point. I agree though.

Everyone has flaws, whats important is the message

Very true, it's just strange that I've never heard that until recently. I guess it's time to dig. :)

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