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RE: We Told You So

in #libertarianism7 years ago

I think the first thing we need to understand, all of us, is that the West is at war with the Islamic fundamentalists. We attack their homes with high end expensive military tactics, they retaliate with cheap guerrilla warfare such as these attacks.

Is really that simple. This is not about immigration, racism or anything else. This is about war. We just have hard time processing all these from our living-room.


At least you are honest.

I hope you also acknowledge that all these happen because of oil and because more or less we invaded the area first for a good 20 years now. Most "terrorists" (enemy soldiers really), saw at least one family member die from missiles, drones or other form of western intervention.

They are pissed. Is that simple.

I think you are making some great points here. But I disagree that it's that simple. How do you explain westerners that convert and go to fight for ISIS or commit domestic terror attacks? They didn't have any missiles in their lives, yet they gave their lives up. There is another component that enables this and this component is religion. And Islam has proven particularly potent in helping create terrorists willing to sacrifice their own lives.

This is such a problematic issue because there isn't a simple cause and unfortunately there isn't a simple solution. But understanding the other side certainly helps and the way you explained it has its certain merits and is surely a part of the reasoning for a part of the Islamic terrorists.

How do you explain westerners that convert and go to fight for ISIS or commit domestic terror attacks?

Rare cases, statistically acceptable much like rare cases of cancer or special mental issues or societal fringe scenarios. They just get overblown by popular media.

There is another component that enables this and this component is religion. And Islam has proven particularly potent in helping create terrorists willing to sacrifice their own lives.

It might be true up to a point but the state worked much the same..or a company like apple really. brain-washing is easy.

Your points certainly have merit, but I still think religion plays a huge role in this. It's what the people that are giving their lives are doing it for by their own admission. We might be theorizing about many reasons they are not mentioning but their conscious motivation is crystal clear and I don't see a valid reason for us to deny that or to hedge that.

But as I said before, I think the reasons are complex and also different for different individuals. Anybody that is claiming that there is only one factor causing this is bound to be off.

Your points certainly have merit, but I still think religion plays a huge role in this. It's what the people that are giving their lives are doing it for by their own admission.

Well, where do you think religion stems from? Aren't we all believers more or less in regards to some things? Some people lose everything and just chose to believe one thing

We might be theorizing about many reasons they are not mentioning but their conscious motivation is crystal clear and I don't see a valid reason for us to deny that or to hedge that.


But as I said before, I think the reasons are complex and also different for different individuals. Anybody that is claiming that there is only one factor causing this is bound to be off.

yeap. totally agree. too much entropy.

Well, where do you think religion stems from? Aren't we all believers more or less in regards to some things? Some people lose everything and just chose to believe one thing

Religion is intertwined with politics and in the case of Muslim states, directly with government.

I'm ripping on religion and I insist for it to be pointed out as part of the problem because I think it is. We might all be believers on some level but nothing teaches stubbornness in believing totally unsubstantiated claims like religion. Nothing makes it easier to control a person than their total abdication from critical thinking.

In the end, I think we are very much on the same page, aren't we?

You need to provide evidence. Just because you believe religion is the problem doesn't make it so. heck it make my argument more correct since you base it on your blind belief.

correlation is not causation.

japan, vietnam, soviet union all atheist countries and did the same atrocities.

I get you, and I did read your post about the topic a while back. But I simply prefer the west. It's not popular, we're all supposed to hate ourselves and our culture, but I personally prefer it, and I'm honest about it.

I also prefer the west but I ain't fighting for their sake...I don't hate my culture. I just think all these are a game of cards and citizens of both sides are the puppets.

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