US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus.

in #libertarian6 years ago

The argument that libertarians should regard Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and General Dynamics as de facto state actors is a lot stronger than the case for Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

Their business model only exists because of government contracts, and when they sell to somebody like the Saudis it's only with government approval and encouragement as an instrument of American foreign policy. It's not like there's much of a recreational private market for 500lb. bombs.

Yet somehow I see people who just last week were talking about "censorship" on social media, this week asserting it's somehow merely free trade when American bombs and planes are used to murder Yemeni children.


Satanic secret society Freemasons completely rig all elections in the US. The presidents are all lying mason puppet ACTORS rwading a script to convince the American people to accept the illegal war on terror.

Above is a vid of a Shriner Freemason admitting they worship Lucifer. He is breaking his oathe of secrecy by revealing the secrets of his masonic lodge, punishable by murder by his fellow Freemasons. Satanic mafia. Google earth masonic lodges for every American state/city.

There are mason judges/cops/mainstream media covering up their horrible crimes.

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