Libertarian mindset woes.

in #libertarian6 years ago

Libertarians really need to stop doing this thing where they think having one legitimate criticism means they should just blind themselves to everything else going on.

It's the same thing that happened with the presidential race in 2016. You had two former governors from purple states on a ticket, and then you had a conservative troll blogger, and then you had an insane person. I understood the complaints about Johnson/Weld, but Jesus.

This whole "once I get angry at someone, I'll literally support anything and anyone as long as they attack whomever I'm mad at" thing needs to stop. It's how "libertarians" talked themselves into Trump, it's how they end up apologising for murderous dictators who oppose the same U.S. policies we do.

It's weird, and I don't understand what it is about libertarianism that attracts this mindset.

It's a bad joke and we're all the punchline.


It is a joke. Nonconformists find it very difficult to run a cohesive organization!

I totally agree to your point of view on libertarianism..keep bringing up such issues.. good content..


It's a 2 step ( at a minimum)
1.identifying a problem ( a lot of libertarians do that )
2.coming up with resolution ( not so much)

Just because you have completed step 1 doesn't mean you can automatically claim step 2.

LOL MA a "purple" state!! That's funny.

it's how they end up apologising for murderous dictators who oppose the same U.S. policies we do.

who gives a shit about libertarians anyhow? the third party is the problem for you?

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