Free Market Solutions

in #libertarian6 years ago

Okay, peak Statist mentality here. Gubment should protect everyone! Let's buckle up and unpack this one.

  1. Government's (If such a thing needs to exist) job is not save me from myself.

  2. If one does not want to work in a smoke filled environment, don't work in one. Louisiana has tons and tons of bars and restaurants, and some of them would be smoke free regardless of any laws being passed.

  3. Government is violence, and what happens when a bar/restaurant owner refuses to enforce mandatory no-smoking? What happens when a customer refuses to comply?

  4. Ultimately, the best way to deal with this problem is let the free market work. If a bar or restaurant allows smoking and it negatively impacts their business, they will change or close down. The wait staff, cooks, hosts, managers etc, don't want to work in a business that allows smoking, they won't even if the job paid more.

  5. Second hand smoke is also a non-problem.


The second hand smoke crowd lost me when they began quoting impossible "facts", based on obvious bad science! I was mildly biased in their favor until I ran into this, then I moved them into the BS category!

ALSO it is Not the job of government to handle this "problem" from the get go; they do NOT have the authority!


I've worked in a restaurant/bar before. Most of the wait staff were smokers and I would suspect any study of this profession would reveal that they tend to be much more inclined to smoke than the general population, not to mention the rampant drug use too. Restaurant staff also have a high turnover rate; it's not common to be a life long waiter, waitress or bartender at a single establishment that allows smoking. Sooner or later they quite, get fired, move to another establishment or move on to a better job.

Check out my new police abolition post.

I have yet to run into anyone on the waitstaff that didn’t smoke or didn’t mind it. It’s just silly to think that government has to come around and change our diapers.

Exactly. I even picked up the habit during the year or so that I worked in a French cuisine restaurant. And if they weren't smokers or druggies they were major alcoholics. I don't think there's any mentally stable people in that industry.

The ones that are usually move on after college or are the manager.

I would suspect any study of this profession would reveal that they tend to be much more inclined to smoke than the general population

There's hard data to corroborate this too.

I'll probably right a response article detailing my own argument against the state imposed smoking ban.

Go for it! Truth is a revolutionary act!

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I see you're from Louisiana.
Can you message me on discord at your earliest convenience?

I'm not sure what a discord is, I'm assuming it is some kind of chat app?

Yeah, it's one of the most used for steemit
Is there a more convenient way for you?

Discord doesn't work for me, what's up?

Just messaged you on

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