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RE: "Drag Tots" Welcome to your New World Programming

in #lgbt6 years ago (edited)

You did not say it. But I will. FAR TOO MANY in the LBGT Community Do SUPPORT THIS. From Personal Experience I Personally Know many Homosexual Men, Lesbian Women & a few Transgenders. Guess What- Most of them suffered some type of severe ABUSE in childhood. And I can state that EVERY SINGLE homosexual Man I've ever know has told me they like teen boys. NONE admitted to liking kids. But every single Adult Gay Man I've every know- more than 10- has admitted to me they were PEDERASTS.

The LBGT Community & platform ^ groups & marches are all held by & made up of those who are LBGT. They are not squashing this or condemning it. They are actively promoting it. If straight people promote mixing SEXUALITY and a pound of makeup & sexual behavior by a child- they are correctly labeled as PEDOPHILES. Yet when the LBGT community does the same- they should be given a free pass?

Online I come off as a total Alienating figure, to put it mildly. Yet in real life, all sorts of people seem to pour out their life stories to me. One of the reasons I am very stand-offish & often prefer to ISOLATE myself from the masses.


Please tell me the precentage that support 9 year old drag queens. I imagine they're the same demographic that watches Toddlers and Tiaras.

I see no difference between the two. But well, in your case it's probablly transphobia. Sorry if someone going outside the gender norm scares you.

If you're a ranting douchebag online, I doubt you're a gay persons therapist in real life.

Nice blanket statements though. You got a real talent for debate.

toddlers & tiara are definitely the pedo crew- as is the dance moms & most of the rest stuff the mainstream media is broadcasting these days. People outside the GENDER NORM do NOT frighten me. In fact I prefer a diverse group of people, I actually prefer the OUTCASTS of society. However that does NOT change the statistics. The fact is MOST homosexual Men are PEDERASTS. You show me The Leadership in the LBGT community that is speaking out AGAINST sexualization of Children & 9 years old Drag Queens. Where are they?

A real talent for Debate? No not online- where I have to spend time typing into an undersized mac keyboard.
I do not waster my time formulating debates & articulate words & citing sources for ONLINE POSTS to a SOCIAL MEDIA SITE! What a F-ckin Waste of Time & Human Life To do that. I prefer to LIMIT my time social media = quick & dirty posts that are direct - to the point & don't mince words.
But in person YES!

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