RE: LGBTQ+ Talk: What's the difference between sex and gender? | Sex, gender identity, gender expression, and more!
What a tremendous undertaking and great handling of splicing these terms! It can be very hard to delineate these differences, it harkens me back to a statement from an incredible recent post by @steampunk-penny, wherein she explains that she states:
I run I into allot of people who assume I am a cross dresser, or just gay. I am not a cross dresser, that's a different thing, Rue Paul is not trans, LaVern Cox is. [...] I'm bi but that's different than gay and being gay has nothing to do with being transgender.
It’s incredibly difficult to demarcate these lines, whew!
I’m discovering and really delving into gender identity now that I’ve been out for a couple years, and I’m incredibly grateful to my wife @introspector for patiently bearing with me as this has been evolving. I’ve always known that I do not think of myself as a woman nor man exclusively, but I happily oscillate somewhere in between. It’s taken years for me to admit this out loud and this is actually the first place I’m articulating this in writing and it feels so right to be doing so.
Thanks for treating this topic with such care! Looking forward to more! Let’s collab!
@betterbeing Wow, you have no clue how much this means to me! I'm so happy you can feel you're finding yourself.
It might seem like you're the only one but there's a lot of people who feel the same and they're only asking themselves "What on Earth is going on with me???" And they only need support and correct information.
I'm currently doing my research on the different gender identities under the transgender umbrella and it's so complex! I certainly have to concentrate while writing because I feel like there have been so many mistakes when treating these subjects already and I don't want to get anything wrong. I really want to represent the whole picture, and understanding it takes a little time. I thought I knew a lot about the different genders but there's so much to it! Like, I JUST learnt the different ways of describing gender identities and I'm not sure which one is more accurate... AH, so much information! Hahaha!
I really want to make it simple and easy for everyone to get, and I think that might be the hardest part...
It would be an honor to collab, there's a lot we can give back to the community!