Why letting go is the only way to feel better right now...

in #letting7 years ago (edited)

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You know how things seem to pile up, the intensity, the volume of change, the erratic behavior of those around you, the political state of the world, your own issues, the mountain of demands still not having been given attention etc etc..

Well we can run around screaming using more haste and less speed to fumble through whatever lands on our laps at any given time or we can stop.

It takes one second to just stop. Cut off every form of stimulation (mental, audio, visual) and spend just a few seconds in silence without the bombardment of yesterdays regrets, tomorrows fears and all the noise pushed in our faces by the current societies we live in. Suddenly, it's peaceful. No matter what terrible event might be looming in the near future, right now all is well. However traumatic the past might have been, right now you are still breathing. However scary the future might be or severe your condition might be, feel the difference when you stop fighting it.

The moment you accept something it doesn't mean you give IN to it and embrace the worst outcome, it just means you accept it the way it is, in this very second.. for your own sake. What you will feel the moment you accept is relief.

Once you, yourself are feeling relieved you will notice that in that more flowing space, OTHER things start to flow easier, solutions appear where before there were none..and answers arrive to questions because you simply stopped asking over and over. It's a paradox but sometimes asking and asking is the same as saying "question, question, question" ..and when you stop asking suddenly an answer appears. Similarly looking for a missing object going "where is it" over and over, it evades you, then once your mind is totally OFF the subject you go "Aha!" and remember where you last saw it, or the missing item shows up on its own.

Resistance and NOT ACCEPTING whatever is, especially if it is out of your hands is just adding more fuel to an already burning fire. By shouting at something you don't like you are actually feeding it. The moment you accept it you become part of the solution and will be able to use your energy towards what you DO WANT vs what you don't.

AND you get to feel better in the present moment giving to yourself a more harmonious space in which to live.

We can after all only give what we ourselves have TO give.


Can u tell me what is you point of your life ?

Hi~ I am a single self-employed parent, musician & artist. I am fully involved in all three, but also find deep satisfaction in helping others, especially those that are struggling with issues I've made it through. When I make a difference no matter how small or even to just one person I feel I have in a sense earned the privilege of being on earth.

You did not earn the privilege to be in earth that was a gift from God to you me and other 7 bilion humans in earth.If you help someone is a good thing but is not a point a direction in life let me explain why? If you are on a train and you are going to collage and in your way you give your seat to an old women that is a help but that is not your point your point is collage .So for you me an other 7 bilion humans helping others is good thing but not the point of life the point of life is to use our time here to win the afterlife paradise or (jannah in arabic langauge).Eternity

But what happens to the present moment if ones AIM lies outside of it? Having a "future aim" as something to live for takes away from the joys and opportunities in the present. Life is here now and when we get there (wherever "there" might be for any person) it will still be "NOW". The life we are given here always happens one second at a time, in the present moment.

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