
This paragraph here is the entire reason for the fictional story called the Theory of Evolution Hypothesis

"Whether it is the tail bone in humans, or the swim bladder in a dolphin, it all counts as evidence against some kind of instant creation event, and points to a shared ancestry between each and every organism on the planet."

In case you didn't know this is actually fraud and the fact that you write so well will in the end deceive multitudes. Pitting science against its reason for being is not science, and it is nihilistic and defeats the investigation because human beings emotions effect human beings efficiency. I don't believe is not how you start a investigation into physics and most importantly physical science. I don't know creates the correct understanding. That way the universe tells you how it works through your experiments. The experiment is the evidence and if you are not doing them for yourself and just believing the Gods of money will chew you up.

It is because your write so well that I know you have it within you to comprehend so that you can understand. Science is funny because you always think you know what the experiment will show you and the more experiments you do not only amazes you but tells you that you couldn't have planned anything like how this universe can be shown to work. Not in a million years. It takes a very short while for most to realize what the phrase "Nothing is free in the universe" actually means. The great question is where is all the energy we see in space coming from?

In each point in space is measured what is considered infinite energy. Where is it coming from? To eliminate creation as an explanation for this infinite energy coming from all points in space is like way to much speculation at this point in science. We got no clue really! The fraud is in the naming of hypothesis The Theory of take your pick. You have to do your own experiments without the speculation and there can be know expert but the experiment is King! I hope you comprehend that I do not intend to make you feel like I am assaulting you. It is the bias of the primes that so far haven't been proven. The in fact truth is evolution is not a physical science. There is no way to go back in time and confirm that what happens for those times in the past to know that what chemically and mechanically happens then is the same as now. According to the strict interpretation of science it is a religion because the beliefs are high and the experiments connecting the here and now with the billions of years of the past are none existent.

We don't know? Evolution is as much of a region as science is birthed by the christian faith.

Cool, thanks @steemstem bot! :0)


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