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RE: Gunpowder and Cannons at the Castle of Silves? LMAC #29

I knew I was in for another history lesson but not as far back as 1242. I can't warp my head around that. Another thing I can't wrap my head around was the hurling of contaminated cadavers. Biological warfare had an early beginning. The explosives in the collage caught my attention and had me studying it for a long time. I always wish that castles could talk so I could hear their stories so thank you for giving this one a voice. Well done as always AG! : )


hahaha biological warfare is not a new thing at all.

Just goes to show you how much I do not know. Thank goodness for Stemians like this one. It is a great place to learn. : )

nono you misunderstand! I think your statement about throwing cadavers over a castle's walls being biological warfare is brilliant!

OH! OK!!! Thanks and I am glad to know that I gave you a smile. You gave me one too @owasco! LOL!

My dear @whatisnew,
So nice to see you here, and with such a gracious comment. Yeah, that business about contaminated cadavers...pretty creepy, isn't it?
Thank you for studying my collage. Every time I make one of these I learn something new about technique. So I don't see shortcomings as failures, but as lessons. So much going on...perhaps too much to be aesthetically pleasing, but it does tell a story :)
You know I love your blogs. My camera battery is charged. Next step...figure out how to use the thing :) @kadna inspires me to paint. You inspire me to to take pictures. Isn't this platform wonderful, if you know who to "talk" to.
Hugs and affection,

Hi AG! I spent so much time studying your collage because I loved it. And I have never seen any shortcomings in your collages but I do understand what you are saying. In life, I always learn from my mistakes.
HaHa! The camera battery is charged is a great first step. LOL! Figuring out how to use it is even better! HAHAHAHA! I can't stop laughing! LOL!
Yes, this platform is the best and so are you!!! Many HUGS to you, my friend. : )

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