
No, no, do not "apologize to my readers for taking them down a path through war implements, but it's hard for me to see a medieval fortified castle without thinking about the reason for those fortifications." War is so much a part of human history, I can't help but see it everywhere. Not just in castles. Movies, books, art, but to a lesser extent, music - Am I missing something? - Museums are filled with paintings of battlefields and warriors, but overall, music seems less likely to express it. There's the 1812 overture with the cannon balls, and the Star Spangled banner, but in popular music, themes of war seem to take a backseat - unlike in Hollywood, where violence and weaponry seems to dominate the market.

I can't help but see it everywhere.

Yes, you can find it everywhere even in partnership ;-) But it is your decision. I decided to look on "the bride side of life". Otherwise i gave my energy to the "bad" things and zhat is not my wish. ;-) So i stopped reading newspapers, watching TV... and inform myself in the internet - always keeping in mind to think positive. ;-) If i an't change the situation, i can change myself/my view... Thak you for your comment - have a PEACE full day! Kadna

Always look on the bright side of life!

I do try to do that. I do.
Yesterday in particular made a greater-than-usual effort, because I had in fact read the newspaper, and it was close-to-home beyond-disturbing stuff. Peace to you too!!!

Dear Kadna,
So nice to see you here. Yes, it is hard for me to see castles without feeling their history. My undergraduate training was in history, so that is always part of my world view. I have the same sense when I look at grand estates in England. I think of the colonial exploits that paid for those homes, of how the riches were accrued.
I very much enjoyed your painting on YouTube. My son bought me paints and easel last Christmas, but I only made one picture because I can't paint. But now, I am inspired by you. Such free expression. I'll have to pull out those paints :))
Affection and hugs,

I can't paint.

Most of the people say that. That's because of school (in Germany). Joy and creativity during the process is no goal ;-) just the result and that has to plese the teacher. I Helped people to go back to their childish joy without thinking of right or wrong. It was a pleasure for me to see them wakeing up! Try it - it is so worthy !!!! I am glad if i inspire you :-) Hugs, Kadna

My dear Kadna, I will do now what would seem embarrassing, except you give me courage. My one painting, in honor of you, posted right here. I think you can see the restraint, the reluctance to let go. All lines. Tight (as tight as my unsteady hands can make it). Nothing like your wonderful, free-flowing art, reflecting joy and freedom.
But we all begin someplace:)
first painting for kadna2.jpg
Thank you for the invitation to create and be free. If not now, when?
With affection and optimism,

Wow, thank you so much for your picture. I can imagine, that it is not easy for you! Great! I can see many "points" showing you getting mor free. There is still some place left in white! Very good, no pressure to use every space. The big black line is not ending at the corner - it walks on ;-) and the idea of a picture frame is still there. Inside the "frame" i see somme lively little "line", feeling free to dance a bit, across other line - there is joy and weightlessness (hihi, i hope you understand). The "lines" at the bottom became mor free (more water!) flowing into eachother ... I like the friendly yellow in the midth - that is a nice center for your picture!The colours are interesting - some fit very well, and some made a nice contrast - that is free too!
So, go on! This is a very very good start and - don't think about the result ;-) Just colours and water and your heart... I am so glad and thankful that you have painted and showed it "public". Thank you - thank yourself and your creativity, they can "push" you ;-) A big hug! Kadna

Thank you for that critique! :)
I was in a bit of a mood when I picked up my brush to make this simple piece. I just did what felt good. At the end, my mood was better. The wonder of art.
You are a good friend, and a wonderful coach. Those paints are coming out this weekend.
I hope you are happy, peaceful and well.
Big hugs to you back,

I just did what felt good.

That is the secret! 😉 Thank you for your heart warming words! Kadna


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