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RE: Garden of Magic and Wonder: Entry into LMAC #10

Hey, a few years ago I saw the painting of Hieronymus Bosch in reality in a Museum in Frankfurt (Main).

Now I read:

Das Weltgerichtstriptychon oder Weltuntergangs-Triptychon (Laatste Oordeel) ist ein Gemälde von Hieronymus Bosch. Das Triptychon wird in der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien ausgestellt.

Therefore, I wonder what I saw in Frankfurt. A fake painting?

Anyway, awesome work and many meters in size.

Hieronymus Bosch rules




Probably a copy...I just did a little research. Seems copies of his work abound and the Prado is reluctant to lend the painting out. Still, the copy must have been something to see!
Peace, ag

Definitely, it was impressive.

And I also wonder how skilled other artists are to copy such awesome work.

Have a nice weekend


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