Garden of Magic and Wonder: Entry into LMAC #10

in #letsmakeacollage6 years ago (edited)

shangri la 16 gif.gif

This is my entry into @shaka's #letsmakeacollage contest, #10. Every week @shaka presents the Steemit community with a beautiful photograph. He invites us to make a collage out of his photo. The only rule is, don't violate copyright regulations. This week @shaka sent us this image to work with:

shaka march8.jpg

When I began to imagine ideas that might work in this picture, I recalled the early sixteenth-century triptych, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch. Every inch of Bosch's painting is filled with phantasmagorical details. The three panels that make up the piece tell a story: creation, fall from grace, and damnation.

Bosch went dark. I went light, and had a wizard to help me wizard light.jpg

The Garden of Earthly Delights at a Glance

Panel One
heronimus bosch uppper left panel.jpg

Here we see the Garden of Eden. This is only the upper half of panel one. The lower half shows God introducing Adam to Eve. The theme is innocence. Light and beauty prevail.

Panel Two

heronimus bosch middle panel upper 2.jpg

Once again, only the upper portion of the panel is shown here. This is the largest of the three panels. Bosch does not spare us. He shows humanity depraved, insatiable, consumed by vice. Confusion and corruption prevail.

Panel Three

heronimus Bosch third panel upper.jpg

When I look at this panel (only the upper portion is shown here) I think of Dante's Inferno. This is hell. It seems the damned are consumed by the appetites that drove them in life. Hell's residents prey upon each other. Darkness and chaos prevail.

One well-known image from the lower portion of this panel is of a pig wearing a nun's veil.

bosch pig nun.jpg


Source for the following information is My Modern Met

The Painting
  1. 7' by 13'
  2. Oil on oak
  3. When the panels are closed, there's a picture of earth.
    heronimus Bosch Garden exterior2.jpg
The Artist
  1. Year of birth is uncertain, although it is known he lived in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
  2. He was born in the Netherlands
  3. About twenty-five of his pictures remain.
  4. He was well-known in his lifetime.
  5. None of his writings have survived, so art critics can only guess at the meaning of his art.

My collage took shape in these steps:

I downloaded a picture from Pixabay (credit: mariamichelle).

and connected that picture to @shaka's.
shaka march8 plu shangri-la.jpg

Then I went to Paint 3d and looked for greenery and magical images.

Finally, I took that blended picture and headed over to GIMP, where I added lighting effects, and turned the whole thing into a GIF.
shangri la small gif.gif

When you get a chance, head over to #letsmakeacollage. There's still time to enter the contest. Anybody can have fun with this. Even if you don't enter, you'll see some amazing art.


Hey, a few years ago I saw the painting of Hieronymus Bosch in reality in a Museum in Frankfurt (Main).

Now I read:

Das Weltgerichtstriptychon oder Weltuntergangs-Triptychon (Laatste Oordeel) ist ein Gemälde von Hieronymus Bosch. Das Triptychon wird in der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien ausgestellt.

Therefore, I wonder what I saw in Frankfurt. A fake painting?

Anyway, awesome work and many meters in size.

Hieronymus Bosch rules



Probably a copy...I just did a little research. Seems copies of his work abound and the Prado is reluctant to lend the painting out. Still, the copy must have been something to see!
Peace, ag

Definitely, it was impressive.

And I also wonder how skilled other artists are to copy such awesome work.

Have a nice weekend


The title is perfect for your whimsy garden and I am so glad that you went light instead of dark. I was mesmerized and got lost in it. Love it! : )

Thank you! I made the collage when I was feeling stressed with a family issue. This was great escape. You can see that in the picture, can't you? I love this contest. You should come...I can imagine what your wonderful, nature-loving, photographic perspective would come up with.

Thank you for including your inspiration and process that you use to make your collages. The inclusion of these details and the little tidbits of history and information that you provide makes your posts so much fun to read!

You made a truly fantastical piece, Agmoore! This is a fantasy garden that my girls and I would love to have a tea party in!

Just here to support!!

Thank you! Always appreciated.

You are welcome. Thanks for the upvote as well! :D

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