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RE: Ravenous

in #letsmakeacollage5 years ago

Ha ha!! I went to town with the picture. These are such fun to make. And I wanted to share in @brisby's story. She is a wonderful person, and a great writer. So I rose to the challenge of creating horror. It was neat that the story and picture could fit together so well. In my mind, this is the opportunity Steemit ideally offers. Within a week, writing a long involved post on the Aleutian Islands, creating a grotesque collage and writing a horror story. Where else can such a thing happen?
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my 'horrible' story. It's fun to share. The best part of Steemit is the friends, the sharing and the creating.
I'll be looking for your next inevitably creative and original post.
Your friend,


Damn right. The platform is so small in comparison to other social media spots that here one gets the feeling of getting in touch much easier and also meeting different tastes and topics, as inspiration is plenty given. You take advantage to the fullest with what is presented and thrown into the crowd. Also, I find you much more socializing in terms of encouragement than I am. :))

Covering three things within a week is quite an accomplishment. I now can tell, as this was a productive week. I forgot in between. :)

Your friend E.

I love it when my friends write along with me, dear Agmoore! Not only did you deliver one delightfully dark tale but you did a fantastic job creating your collage which fit perfectly! (Sorry, I didn't realize that I had missed the voting window until after I had voted for this.)

You know, Steem should hire you to promote them. Your genuine joy and love of the platform and its opportunity could refresh even the most dour of users. 💜

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