Steem App - Dev Week 2

in #letseat6 years ago

Join me on my journey to bring Steem/it to the masses.

As you probably guessed last week this app is going help you make restaurant reviews and effortlessly post and find them on the Steem Blockchain.

Wire Frames

App development begins with building wireframes for the functionality of the app, i.e. the different screens and buttons.
Let'sEat will separate itself from the competition in several ways but the UX for this app will be a key feature. I want to get the look and feel right from Day 1!

App Design rose to the challenge ...

There will be tweaks to the finished product but I already have a build on my phone that I could try out over dinner last weekend.
Note: This app isn't pushing data to Steem/it yet, I can't wait for the next build!

Blockchain technology is about so much more than Bitcoin. Follow my journey as I develop this app to see what Blockchain is enabling today and why it gives this app a USP...

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Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Travel.

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I just checked the previous post and this is something I'll definitely checkout. No matter where one is, there is surely a food that can be shared and reviewed .

For some people on steemit it can be difficult to find inspiration for writing. Why not find your feet by writing reviews 😁

I'll be looking for pre release testers, I'll message you on discord if you know anyone who would be interested please point them in my direction 👍

Absolutely will point them to you. The person who came to mind actually was my wife. She loves to cook albeit have not tried her hand in reviews. I'll share it also within a group and see any food lovers in there.

Nice one, and just so you know for the pre launch testing Ill set up accounts so people can try it out without linking their own account.

That is wonderful to know how much energy and effort you are putting to make this project a success and i wish you success in all your endeavours,the sky is your limit

Your journey be good . I hope you will touch your goal soon . Keep it up and keep review again and again. Thank you for sharing.

sir i am a very poor Man. So, I am not give upvote for you. keep it.

Look forward to it, best of luck and fingers crossed to see the full lovely version.

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