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RE: Landrover Lego build: Six - The finale

in #lego4 years ago

Wow, that looks amazing! Although I'm personally not that much into lego, it always amazes me what people are able to create with lego. Cool piece, and it must be satisfying to see the end result after 24 hours of work :)


It's a pretty cool model huh? I know many people don't get into Lego but for me it's relaxing and enjoyable...Better than smoking crack or getting drunk down the pub I guess right?

It was satisfying...My next build is going to start soon...Looking forward to that too.

Thanks for dropping by.

I totally forgot to mention that the pictures are awesome as well! But yes, pretty cool! And I get why that can be relaxing, finding your zen moments. I have that when I draw or do something creative.. I can get lost in time when I do so. Just don't make time for that often enough lol..

Better than these options you mentioned, yes. Let's stick with the Lego instead!
So I hope you enjoy the next project as well, but my guess is you will.

have a nice day!

Oh thanks for saying so...Just a few snaps in my garden. They came out ok didn't they?

Have yourself a nice day...Night here and bed time in a couple hours. Thursday tomorrow though, and then...FRIDAY!


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