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RE: Just joined Steemit after extreme censorship by Facebook.

in #lee7 years ago

Welcome Lee!

I didn't know you existed I never used Facebook. But from the looks of it you are someone that i need to keep on my radar.

I'm new to steemit, social media as a whole and als new to crypto currency so i'm having a battle with about everything. But if this is a FB killer then i need to master this wild animal.

I still have a few concerns about Steemit, as it seems to have a lot of similarities to the 'Chinese' and western worlds Social Credit system
But i hope that i'm wrong, and if not then I hope i'm the first who's making a big deal out of it. :-)

Some info on Social credit

And proof that it's not just a 'China thing'

China is just a littlebit ahead of the game. The big difference is that China is at least open about it. Where here in the west companies and governments roll it out in secret. And some companies don't even realise that they are using something that works just like it.

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