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RE: The Art of the Struggle | Following Your Passion is Supposed to be a Challenge <3

in #learning6 years ago

I find two reasons for the "struggle" with art. One is the ego interfering, doubts that you won't be able to accomplish what you are trying to accomplish and so the motivation takes a big hit. This is so common. There is also another reason though, you are too tied into tight ideas about what your art is. I find that when I see myself as a musician I don't have much motivation to make music and force myself to work on music and it just isn't how I want it to be. This is because I am more than just a musician. I'm a writer too but more than that, life is my art, sometimes excitement is calling me to just focus on enjoying my every day experience and express art through every day activities. This is also great for finding inspiration.

Embrace Imperfection is great advice! I love when artists remake old songs. I also like to think of my art as a documentation of the process of making what I am trying to make. It never ends too. There is a vision and then the process of getting there which is the really interesting part. So if something isn't exactly what I want it to be that's ok, I still want to share it, as long as it's something I can really feel.


Excellent points my friend. The moment I published this guide I realized there were a dozen things still left to be said, maybe I will write a second part one of these days.
"Feeling it" has become my new test in a way - no matter where the music creation process takes me, I better have a tear in my eye when I'm done. That is usually a sin that I am spot on and heeded the cosmic intuitions.

Expressing art through everyday activities is another great angle. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment man, I know you are a busy man. Much love dude!

Thanks for your support in spreading the article, it means a lot to me <3

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