Learn and earn contest entry:S=Strawberries

in #learn2earn6 years ago

Hey guys,
You all know that i am a contest lover.This is my another entry for learn and earn contest.I will join on this contest daily.Which is being run by @emjoe .

Today's alphabete:S=Strawberries



We all have see this fruit,but we don't know the real name of this.And we also don't know the benefits of Strawberries.

Benefits of Strawberries

  1. They’re a rich source of antioxidants
  2. They support the immune system
  3. They may help with blood sugar regulation
  4. They may have antimicrobial effects
  5. They may improve heart health
  6. They can help with weight management
    I hope you will understand and take Strawberries .If you want to join you can also join in this contest Link

I hope @bosssteem you will also join on this contest.

Thanks by @minhaz007


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Follow @steemjetceleb account to get update about the upcoming contest.



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