Is it true that for you to be a successful leader you must first learn how to be a servant and possess the abilities of a servant? Is it really necessary ?

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Sometimes it's true but sometimes it's not. Someone could be born as natural leader, also someone need to learn first on how to be a good leader. How to be a good leader is not based on wheather you need to learn as a servant first or not, but here's several tips that you can starting to learn to be a good leader :

  1. Communication,  As a leader, you need to be able to clearly and succinctly explain to your employees everything from organizational goals to specific tasks. Leaders must master all forms of communication, including one-on-one, departmental, and full-staff conversations, as well as communication via the phone, email, and social media. 
  2. Motivation,  Leaders need to inspire their workers to go the extra mile for their organizations; just paying a fair salary to employees is typically not enough inspiration (although it is important too). There are a number of ways to motivate your workers: you may build employee self-esteem through recognition and rewards, or by giving employees new responsibilities to increase their investment in the company. 
  3. Delegating,  Leaders who try to take on too many tasks by themselves will struggle to get anything done. These leaders often fear that delegating tasks is a sign of weakness, when in fact it is a sign of a strong leader. 
  4. Positivity,  A positive attitude can go a long way in an office. You should be able to laugh at yourself when something doesn't go quite as planned; this helps create a happy and healthy work environment, even during busy, stressful periods. Simple acts like asking employees about their vacation plans will develop a positive atmosphere in the office, and raise morale among staff members. If employees feel that they work in a positive environment, they will be more likely to want to be at work, and will therefore be more willing to put in the long hours when needed. 
  5. Trustworthiness,  Employees need to be able to feel comfortable coming to their manager or leader with questions and concerns. It is important for you to demonstrate your integrity – employees will only trust leaders they respect. 

That's several thing you must learn first, the rest will follow, good luck :)


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

As I see it, yes

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