Laws of Physics and Laws of Matter! What IF you were capable of accessing Supernatural Power instilled in your DNA coding?

in #lawsofphysics11 months ago (edited)

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The Size of the Frequency DOUBLES!

Only A Few People On Earth Know About It

Why is this important?

Your thoughts and desires can be tuned into actual frequencies, causing the universe to respond in kind.

By aligning our thoughts, intentions, and emotions, we can harness the power of constructive interference to draw what we desire with increased intensity.
This means that when they are in sync, they become a Potent Force!

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Drawing to you what you really Wish to experience rather than what you Don't want!

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Does the Universe operate on the same principles as the Science of Waves?

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What IF it does?
Now let's look at what we Know!

What if it's not magic, but rather Actual Science which many who have come before us have tried to Tell us or TUNE us into?


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What was this based on and Whose art and research?

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There is biblical evidence which supports this research based on science concerning interference and doubling of effect!
Our thoughts and intentions send out their own frequencies into the universe, making them a far more potent form of energy.
Matthew 18:20
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Did you know it is NOT just talking about gathering in physical form?

Look at your phone, what underlying principle allows it to function?
These frequencies are not just through texting or streaming of video, they are rather an emblematic [symbolic] allegory of untapped potential that resides inside of us due to how we were created.

Mobile phones function using electromagnetic waves.
Is it connectivity through frequencies?
A spectrum of frequencies that allow communications across vast distances?

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What is Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF)? Dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) is a technology used with touch tone phones, best known to users as the sound made when pressing a number key. It signals the phone company that you want to make a call and sends a command to the switch.

It sets off a chain of events that converts your voice or text into digital signals.

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These signals with the help of a specific frequency are transmitted across the airwaves until they reach the intended receiver
and are converted back into voice or text.

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It's not just about the conversion, but rather the seamless dance of frequencies that make this process near miraculous!

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Now if you were to dive deeper, what do these frequencies signify?

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Do they represent the invisible thread of connection?

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Which while not seen is no doubt still felt and experienced?

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Just as your phone sends and receives these invisible waves,
your thoughts and intentions send out their own frequencies into the universe.

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For some reason when it comes to phones, everyone understands these invisible threads of frequency used to communicate, but when it comes to life many Get Lost! WHY?

Those same lines used as vibration are called frequency.

Nikola Tesla tried to tell us this.
Some listened, some refused or some simply did not care!

Are not our voices operated on a particular frequency?
Is thought frequency?
Is thought energy?

Did you know your thoughts are the most potent energy there is and that. . .
your thoughts would make a laser beam look like a toy?

Are thought waves cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space?
Does the frequency you are thinking on/dialing into/tuning into dictate the Results that you are going to get?

Are the Results you get nothing more than the manifestation of your own thinking?
Do some reject this idea because they do not like the onus for their thoughts and actions to be placed squarely upon their very own shoulders?
They can no longer blame others around them, but must accept responsibility for themselves for once?

Do people become what they think about?
If energy cannot be created nor destroyed. . which BTW is a Natural Law though Einstein quoted it,

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This as all natural laws do, aligns with biblical teachings. . .
All power that ever was and is. . . is omnipresent.
No energy is created nor destroyed, only changed or transmuted!

Revelation 19:6-7 KJV
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

All the ideas and power are Already Here!
We do not have to Get It, we've already Got It!

1 John 5:4 - For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

If you want to reach higher thoughts, higher health, stop thinking and operating in the lower frequencies!
Stop making excuses to WAIT to get somewhere or something.
You have ALL the power and energy you need Right Now at this Very MOMENT!

Do NOT allow excuses to get in the way of your dreams!
You don't have to wait,
you can start working towards it NOW!

WHAT IF we could change ALL of this up NOW rather than later?

Van Halen - Right Now (1991 Video)

What IF I told you some of us took an OATH to change it up and we Have Been?

How two bitter enemies became friends

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Did you know that age old proverbs and teachings mirror this concept?

"We become what we think about." - Our thoughts shape our reality and determine the outcomes we experience.

Renowned researchers propose that human thoughts can be akin to electromagnetic frequencies, resonating at specific frequencies that can be accessed and responded to by the universe.

The power of focused intentions is the most powerful tool we possess in a world of visible tools and invisible connections.

The interlinking of consciousness and the tangible realm is revealed through the profound insights of Dr. Ponin's groundbreaking study in quantum research.

The DNA Phantom effect reveals that our DNA is not just a blueprint of our physical being, but an active participant in the universe, constantly interacting and molding the fabric of reality.

Why is this important for your 3d matter/vessel/human biological system/body?

Many people do not LISTEN to what things around them including their very own 3d vessel or body are trying to tell them and instead allow others to decide and steer both their thinking and decision making.

Check out Exodus 15:26
Exodus 15:26

26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.

The problem is people do not listen until it gets extreme and then they rely on doctors for a fast fix and literal band aid or cover up that continues to reoccur.

The human body will heal itself if you give it the right conditions and not fill it with the wrong fuel.

The body will heal itself IF you give it the right condition, but those not intuned to the light refuse to hear about God's natural healing means.

Pain is actually your friend to listen and begin healing naturally rather than with interfering methods like pharmakeia and invasive surgery.

Most people prefer the short cut and fast fix rather than taking the time for the journey that God has put in their path. ..pain is your friend and a chance to listen and heal with God's natural provisions and not the synthetic that will cause a host of other issues.

Everyone should be discerning and investigating.
Asking the WHY not seeking a fast fix that ends up causing the 3d vessel more harm in the long run.

We change roles by our appearance and dress depending on what activity we are doing or place we are going to.

This is how microbes are.
Whenever cell damage occurs, these micro organisms become the clean up team.

One microbiologist states, "We call them the garbage collectors."

They are only looking for garbage not the good cells.

Their main name is bacteria.

Just as with blow flies. When there is something rotten, they lay their eggs and maggots come out.
Though gross to people, they are scavengers.

Think about how in a war if a man had a wound on his leg that wasn't healing,
they would allow the blow flies to lay their eggs and the maggots would come out.
Remember, their only purpose is to clean up the rubbish.
They are not offering or doing more or less, just taking out the bad.
The soldier never complained as the maggots only fed on the bacteria and NOT the live flesh, so no pain was felt!

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This supplies a good example of what bacteria is and does.

So the more rubbish, the more waste, the more bacteria.
As the environment changes, they change.
They now become the exterminators and the exterminators are taking over.

The exterminators are the next stage after bacteria.
There are three

  • Yeast
  • Fungus
  • Virus

It is a circle of life designed to bring matter back to death.
Think of a compost pile, bucket or bin.
What does it do?
What is the purpose?

As the environment changes these exterminators also change and become the undertakers.
You see, nothing in this realm is static is it?

Undertakers take away dead things.
They are known as mold.
It's not long after when the mold stage that the matter is brought back to dust.

What does the officiator or preacher say at the funeral?

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Did they get this from the bible perhaps? You decide!

Genesis 3:19
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Genesis 18:27
27 And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:

Referring to what is going to happen in the coffin?
In the coffin matter will be brought back to dust!

If an animal falls or dies and is just left on the ground what happens?

Do the worms come up?
In some areas the dung beetles?
Different birds like the Kookaburra if you live in an area that has them or crows will come along and start to feed on the flesh or meat.
Wild animals like dingos or whatever are native to the area will come and have some of the meat.
The blow fly will lay eggs which turn and the maggots will feed on the flesh
The goal of such a cycle put into play by source creator is to bring matter back to dust!

Even without these feeders, the matter would Still be brought back to dust because of the micro organisms that were already living inside of the animal as the outcome of cell damage is death.

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#LawsOfPhysics, #NaturalHealing, #frequency, #Vibration, #SupernaturalPower, #DNAcoding, #NikolaTesla, #Tesla

Extended reading, #ExpandYourThinking!

PLEASE remember what I have been trying to point my followers to for years now!
Remember who you are and whose image you are created in!

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Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 2:7 KJV: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Please remember that all came into being by the WORD, not the written, but SOUND as evidenced in

John 1:1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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So the usual cycle is being interrupted by Pure Human Souls.

The egregore of ascension of earth that has been forming for recent decades
is constantly replenished by two sides now.

Both by the Energy of Ascension itself and by
those who Generate it at the physical level.

The number of these Warriors of Light is increasing every day!
Since the information of the transition of earth to a New Dimension is already being taken in
by the people new to the issue
who have pulled their vibrations up to a level of understanding of this global scale event.

This is also facilitated by the observations of scientists
who are recording a Surge of earth's vibrations which have already reached an unprecedented level.


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