以上如有遗漏,请留言或直接微信联系我(微信号rivalhw 备注:茶馆)。
周一 @catwomanteresa 已确认 已授权
周二 @hannahwu @jiangchen 已确认 已授权
周三 @maiyude @wilhb81 @jaffer 已确认 已授权
周四 @mrspointm @mrpointp 已授权
周六 @dancingapple @vickylin 已授权
周日 茶东开馆 已授权
哈哈,茶馆又可以开业啦 !
好热闹哦,支持各位店小二和茶东, 呵呵!!
谢谢 @rea
English Version Of Today's Article By dearest @rivalhw!
Opening soon, the tea shop shouting that the two small shops are ready to start work!
Teahouse multi-user management has been configured, will soon open soon, in this announcement under the list of previously recruited small two as follows (list according to "some ideas about the tea house out of business preparations, public external recruitment "Shop 2"" replies display order) :
@mrspointm @mrpointp
If any of the above is missing, please leave a message or contact me directly via WeChat (micro-signal negativehw remarks: Tea House).
Our idea is to post 1-2 articles a day, both domestically and overseas. According to previous thoughts, posts are made for the shop from Monday to Saturday every week, and on Sunday for tea east.
We plan to divide into six groups. Each group is responsible for one day. From Monday to Saturday, there are six groups.
The above shop 2 can be freely combined, you can claim time on your own, including Monday to Saturday, such as @ xxx application on Monday, @ yyy claim on Tuesday, etc.;
The responsibilities of shop two:
In accordance with the scheduled opening date of the business (teahouses regularly open post), the domestic shop is tentatively scheduled for 16:00-22:00 can be posted, the time of foreign small shop because the time zone is difficult to unite, so no restrictions.
The theme is temporarily limited. It is recommended to talk to the community or related events, news, information, technology, markets, etc. We highly encourage and welcome all topics that do not violate the law and livelihood violations that can activate the community atmosphere;
The content is decided by the shop owner himself;
Posts at the end of the message: Today's shop two: @ xxx where xxx is the name of the shop's second day shop, so that everyone knows the identity of the shop on the same day/
Shop two income:
45% of the SBD income received from the corresponding posting on the day is owned by the shopmaster, and 5% is responsible for all the statistics.
It is tentatively settled once a week, and the formal settlement begins after 2 weeks for the first time;
The currently confirmed grouping and claim dates are as follows:
Monday to be claimed
Tuesday to be claimed
Wednesday to be claimed
Thursday @mrspointm @mrpointp authorized
Friday @meixia @vivia authorized
Saturday @dancingapple @vickylin authorized
Sunday Tea East opened.
Thanks a lot for sharing very useful Article. This is a very good stuff relating TEA House. All the people who are working behind this project are appreciable. And Thanks to @rivalhw for your awesome contribution for CN Reader as well the other one. Stay Blessed!
English Version On Today's Article:
Title: Opening soon, the tea shop shouting that the two small shops are ready to start work
Teahouse multi-user management has been configured, will soon open soon, in this announcement under the list of previously recruited small two as follows (list according to "some ideas about the teahouse - teahouse out of business preparations, public external recruitment "Shop 2"" replies display order) :
If any of the above is missing, please leave a message or contact us directly via WeChat (micro-signal negativehw remarks: Tea House).
Our idea is to post 1-2 articles a day, both domestically and overseas. According to previous thoughts, posts are made for the shop from Monday to Saturday every week, and tea is sent to the east on Sunday.
We plan to divide into six groups. Each group is responsible for one day. From Monday to Saturday, there are six groups .
Waiter above can be freely combined, can claim own time, Monday to Saturday including, as @xxx apply when the value of Monday, @yyy claim duty Tuesday and the like;
The responsibilities of shop two:
In accordance with the scheduled opening date of the business (teahouses regularly posted), the domestic shop is tentatively scheduled for 16:00-22:00 can be posted, the time of foreign small shop because the time zone is difficult to unite, so no restrictions.
The theme is temporarily limited. It is recommended to talk to the community or related events, news, information, technology, markets, etc. We strongly encourage and welcome all topics that are active in the community and that are not violating the law .
The content is decided by the shop owner himself;
Posts at the end of the message: Today's shop Xiao Er: @ xxx where xxx is the name of the shop on the day of the second so that we know the identity of the shop on the same day;
Shop two income:
45% of the SBD income received from the corresponding posts on the day is owned by the shopmaster, and 5% is responsible for all the statistics.
It is tentatively settled once a week, and the formal settlement begins after 2 weeks for the first time;
The currently confirmed grouping and claim dates are as follows:
Monday to be claimed
Tuesday to be claimed
Wednesday to be claimed
Thursday @mrspointm @mrpointp authorized
Friday @meixia @vivia authorized
Saturday @dancingapple @vickylin authorized
Sunday Tea East has licensed
大伟哥,我和 @mrpointp是不是还需要找一个朋友一组😂 ,申请周四当值。
老道茶馆 开业大吉 双剑合壁 天下无双
(๑ºั╰╯ºั๑)选个良辰吉日 还有小伙伴啊 哈哈
我跟 @jiangchen 一组了。
Hi @luckyone7 ,请微信联系下我 rivalhw 谢谢
@joythewanderer 有沒有興趣一起組隊呢?
非常熱鬧啊! 支持支持
谢谢 @travelgirl
哈哈 这个好有意思
很像以前上学时候 班上值日打扫卫生的值班表 越来越正式了^_^