Riding a Harley Davidson Softail SlimS - # 2 - Seasons second trip, sunny but cold.

Ahhh....finally it is happy times again, the sun is shining, the snow are nearly gone. Now it just has to be a bit warmer.

To day I went on a little trip down town to see if there were any other bikers that had start riding, but so long it seems like I am the first one.
Guess it still will be a couple of weeks before the roads are filled with bikes again.
Until then I have the roads to my self and what is then better than taking a landscape photo with my bike :)
To days trip lasted no more than an hour or so, but it was worth a lifetime waiting for.

Harley 2.jpg

Until next time, stay safe, warm and dry

Kindest regards


Hello my friend.
I am glad to congratulate you on the beginning of riding on motorcycles.
And we also have spring. Our animals constantly come to the manor and graze so closely that I take video every day.
Here just came a handsome male roe to our pond. Look. You'll like it.

Hello @Lika0812
Nice to see that the spring also have come to your place.
We also have a lot of deer here at my place. See that yours is a little buck. Do you hunt them?

Hello @gyldenhorn,
according to the photo it is clear that the climate is very beautiful in Norway, me this morning I did a little sport putting swimming in a pool club, I think that in 15 days if the climate remains like that the beaches in Morocco will receive more people.

Best wishes @Redouanemez

Hi @Redouanemez
Sounds really nice to take a swim in the pool. I guess it is a couple of months before the beaches are filled with people here in Norway :)

Oh yes @gyldenhorn, since the climate in Norway is different to that in Morocco, I think you have some really nice beaches in Norway.
I show you a beautiful beach in northern Morocco in the city 'Al Houcima', the city where my brother @hasmez currently lives :

It is a good period for practicing your hobby dear @gyldenhorn.
You said that many persons in your city are interested in the hobby of riding motorcycles, why you don't programm a long trip to Morocco during the summer it will be amazing by seeing the beautiful landscapes and also you will be welcomed by moroccan hospitable people.

I can help you concerning the choice of itineraries to go and accommodation reservations to make.

Best regards.

That was not a ba ide @Aminekad
Maybe I shall plan a trip to Morocco. I have never been there, but I would love to visit the country and maybe spend some days in Marrakech that I have heard good things about.
Where in Morocco do you live?

you will be welcome dear @gyldenhorn.

i'm now living in Rabat (the capital of morocco) about three hours from marrakech.

also i can suggest for you a tour in the desert in the south east of morocco (the region where i was born) and especially in merzouga where you will find sand hills and see the best sunrise and syunset views.

Man, what a gorgeous Bike you have. Is it a costume made Bike? I wish i can ride one of these.
Enjoy the Sun, enjoy the Road & enjoy the Food while you are riding.

Hello @Dannywill
I love my bike :) It is not custom made, but I have done some changes to it my self.
Will surely enjoy the road and the sun now when it is finally here again.

Your Bike is beautiful as also your photography. In my country girls usually don't ride bikes but i love riding Bikes. My brother have a TVS Bike, sometimes my elder brother give me permission to ride his Bike. When i ride bike, i feel free, do you?

Hi @Latikasha, I feel totally free when I am riding. it is only me and the road, a magnificent feeling it is.
Why dont girls ride bike where you are form? and where are you from? :)

Girls usually ride scooty bikes here but i don't like scooty. A small town out side Kolkata, West Bengle, India.

Cool bike,and the weather is great. And we in Russia still snowing, but the sun already begins to warm. Soon and we will be able to leave on bicycles and motorcycles.

Where in Russia are you from @Marimag?
Hope you get some warm weather soon.

Yes, I live in Russia @gyldenhorn and already today the bright sun shines and even slightly warms that very much pleases all.

Tell me, how your drivers treat bikers? Our drivers really do not like them because they are worn between machines, often break the rules and therefore get into accidents.

Here in Norway bikers and drivers normally goes well together, but here, the bikers drive safe in the traffic.
There are seldom someone that breaks the law.

I need to get out on a ride soon,Im so glad for you that the weather is warming up.

Go go go @Tbnfl4sun
I have been driving the last three days now and it is great. Cold as h... but totally worth it :)

Your bike is throwing the epicness and the view is playing it's part really effectively. The cool bike standing with background of beautiful blue still water and trees and the sky is literally shining like an diamond and the complete view is really amazing to explore. All the best for the next bike trip and thanks for sharing. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Following you since I joined @steemit because i like your post, especially your photography & your home gardening but today i added your beautiful bike to my like list.
Drive save my @Steemit friend.

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