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RE: 운명

in #kr6 years ago

에 적은 글인데, 혹시 못보실수도 있을 것 같아, 여기도 남깁니다.


혹시 @teojin0503 님 스팀 그만 두신 것 같은데, 스팀 관련 근황을 알려주실 수 있으세요?

셀프보팅을 죽창질 하는 님들을 교화하기 위한 캠페인 등을 준비중인데,
대략이라도 알려주시면 도움이 될 수도..

' teojin0503님의 남편 일기를 오랜만에 보려고 놀러 왔는데'
란 대목이 보여서, 정확한 의미는 모르겠지만, 근황을 아실 수도 있을 것 같아서 연락드립니다.
아래 글 참고하세요.

추가 참고.

@SelfVoteJustice writings related.
My Mission is to make Steem a PEACEful world..
2018.06.30.Sat.07:30(utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 1 : fair for investment and labors )
( )
2018.07.04.Wed.16:40 (CST), July4th, Independence Day by @SelfVoteJustice (wrote in utc+9 zone)
Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 2 : Two realities - selfish human and anonymous Steem )
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2018.07.11.Wed.03:49 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 3 : Good even for the poor )
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2018.07.21.Sat.06:41 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
Self-Vote-Justice campaign - what to do ? (v.1 part 1)
2018.07.07.Sat.21:30 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
Self-Vote-Justice campaign - what to do ? (v.1 part 2)
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2018.07.16.Mon.11:19 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
When they go down, we go up !! (Self-Vote-Justice movement, what-to-do, part 3)
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2018.07.18.Wed.05:43 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
Talk with Stupid Self-Fucked-Justice Bamboo Spearing Red Guard Supporting witness.
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2018.07.27.Fri.07:35 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
To Witnesses: Which side to stand for, Variety Liberal Capitalism vs Uniformity Suppresive Communism ?
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2018.07.27.Fri.08:12 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
War Announcement v.2 (revived; for the Freedom of Speech, Right to be Shown.)
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2018.07.28.Sat.08:45 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
@SelfVoteJustice : Who bamboo-spears Self-Voting ? v.1 part 1 - robot industry
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2018.07.30.Mon.07:07 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice
Don't worry, be happy ! (about down-voting)
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2018.07.31.Tue.12:45 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


그러게요.. 그분께서 셀프보팅 문제로 그 후로 안 들어오시는거 같더라구요.. 남편일기 포스팅 잘 봤었는데.. 저도 근황은 모르고 있어요.. 요즘엔 그분 블로그 안 들어가봤거든요..

아.. 그 분이 남편이시기나, 누군가의 남편이셨던 것이 아니고,
그 분의 남편 일기 포스팅 이란 말씀이셨군요.

저는 혹시 스팀외에 따로 아시는 분인줄 알고 여쭈어 보았었습니다.

죽창들 폐해가 심각하네요.

죽창들에 찔려서,

스팀 나가신 분들이나,
절필하 (고 보팅로봇 사업에 투자만 하) 시는 분들

의 사례를 모아보고 있습니다.


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