
Have a wonderful day my friend. !BEER

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Hey @roundbeargames, here is a little bit of BEER from @benedict08 for you. Enjoy it!

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스팀밋이 하드포크 되면 개발은 증인들이 하게 되는 건가요?

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직접 개발하는 증인도 있고 그냥 커뮤니티 멤버로서 하는 경우도 있어요 (북미 스팀 커뮤니티).
포크안해도된다 / 해야된다 / 비용은 어떻게 할지 등등 지네끼리 일단 여러가지 문제에 대해 얘기하고 있는거 같에요.

스팀DAO도 얼마전에 나름 돌아가기 시작하긴 했구요 ㅎㅎ
저스틴이나 스티밋 없이도 개발력은 충분할꺼 같에요.

물론 가장 좋은건 저스틴의 자금력으로 스팀과 트론이 상생하고, 시너지를 일으키는거겠지만..
아직까지 저스틴의 행동은 오로지 트론과 본인의 독재체제를 강화시키기 위한것으로 보입니다.

Well looks like "for now" ment until this stream ends.

(Of course, many users show loyalty only to the steemit)

And that is only because they don't know for better.

looks like google translate did a decent job :)
yes that "for now" clause just kicked in.

and we also know a bunch of "steemitans" have loyalty only to steemit. the question is what %, and can steem exist without steemit developers cuz that hasn't been proven yet.

good job of google translate, it did added some Token swap, and integration and assimilation to your text (it looks like it just adds that stuff when you translate what ever :) ) but i ignored it.

i am still not sure is this just a marketing fucking around or is he really thinking to try and move all the steem to tron.

because in the tweet he did say SteemIt to tron network, so he could be just adding a link to his main tron site :D because integrating steem, as it is, is not possible at the moment, from what i understand.

check out this guy
it's only one side of the story but i think justin might be way more trash than what steemians currently take him for.

they could just take the domain name and use their own 100% centralized products and "tokens" and call it steemit. kinda like dlive.

Since you've been a vocal critic of Ned for a long time, I wanted to ask you, what you think about his final move.

From how I understand it (thanks to Google Translate), you are not a fan of it and would be more in favour of a Fork (aka Steem Classic). Google Translate isn't really good at translating Korean, the translated version very difficult to read and make sense of btw.

the fact that you feel like i'm in favor of a fork tells me the translation is good enough :)

i think if steem were to reach more of its potential through decentralization + SMTs, ned would've earned a lot more money. but he's practically kim jong un. the irony is that steem would never reach its potential as long as he's around (not even 1%). i'm happy he's gone.

now we have a replacement, possibly another dictator. as far as i can tell, justin wants to destroy steem and bring its userbase to tron. kinda like dlive, he might just take the domain and turn it into a slower, shittier version of facebook and call it it's all speculation. only time will tell.

but i still kinda feel optimistic about all this cuz justin's obsession in maximizing the number of tron users at all cost might actually yield us a better steem in the end.

Hahaha, seems so :D

I joined Steem after Dan left, but I feel like after he left Steem started to stagnate. The bullrun of 2017 gave Steem a lot of new users, but on the technical side little changed. Ned was in a great position, but Steemit INC couldn't really use this momentum during the last two years and users started to leave, until only a dedicated core was left. Exactly this Steemians of last resort got now sold to Tron.

I'm not a fan of Tron or of Justin Sun, but I do agree that he is very good at marketing and that this actual #NewSteem will see an influx of new users, but Steem will never be the same and I also think that I won't be nearly as good as it can be.

I personally would also prefer a "Steem Classic", although I don't think it will be very sustainable and slowly fade into obscurity.

Well i guess we'll find out.
To me, steem didnt stagnate because dan left but because ned stayed ☺

If you have a centralized "blockchain" with all the downside of distributed nodes, i think it would fall into obscurity faster than anything. Right now im only seeing justin stabbing developers in the back and not proving anything. If dlive becomes a censorship resistant platform this year, where virtually nobody can delete videos or stop any livestream, i might believe him. But i doubt thats gonna happen.

To me, steem didnt stagnate because dan left but because ned stayed ☺

You can also see it this way 🤣

I also don't think that DLive is going to become very censorship resistant this year (or at all). I can't imagine Justin giving away control.

lol their "guidelines" literally cries for censorship. it's so vague it's worse than google and facebook combined. wait till you see someone talk about xijinping and china.

Yeah, but I guess this does not just apply to DLive. Tron is one of the most centralized blockchains out there.

Yea after seeing enough proof i just dont know and dont care 😏

유툽 영상 여윽시 말바꾸기 에혀~

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짱깨 말바꾸기..
스티밋은 없애고 지네가 만든 새로운 싸이트를 쓸꺼같단 생각이 드네요. 약간 디라이브처럼..
근데 의외로 더 강력한 스팀이 나올수도 있을꺼란 생각이드네요 ㅎㅎ

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