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RE: [카일의 수다#144]다운보트는 권리인가? 유행인가? (Downvote, is it a trend in steemit now?)

in #kr5 years ago

I’m sorry, I really wasn’t trying to sound rude and I may have come across that way. I think we are in an interesting time where we are trying to find this balance of rewards.. and that’s not easy.

I for sure do NOT think you should stop posting, I think you should keep doing what you enjoy. We may just have to get used to seeing a few downvotes come in occasionally though, and try to not take them personally. I call this “normalizing” downvotes - making them just something we are used to. Once they aren’t seen as a negative, and rather just an opposite of a upvote, things will calm down a bit.

I guess many high stake holders now have VP they don’t know how to use (without bid bots) and randomly throw it around. That may mean other stake holders come and downvote to put some of it back in the rewards pool, to be divided among all posts.

I don’t think anyone just downvotes things because I do, and most people I know are not downvoting blindly, which is good. As I agree individuals not actually reading what they upvote or downvote can be a problem for sure.

We are sort of at a turning point and it will take time to find a balance. My advice is just to know that downvotes are not personal against you, I remind myself of this as well.

Keep your head up and keep on posting what you love 🙂


thank u for ur reply(explanation).
I know that this steemit is not perfect n still there r many problems on many things including upvote n downvote and rewards.
we call it abuse. but actually it is really difficult to tell.
i was a bit upset coz i found more downvotes after (how can i say, whales?) some whales downvotes and seemed that few just followed without thinkings or concerns.
may not but i heard one just downvoted even she/he didnt know its me, but coz there was a flag on my post.
and then she/he cancelled it after finding out im their follower.
im not saying my followers shldnt downvote on me just they didnt ecen read or why there is flag.
so hoped some whales should be careful about what they r doing.
i think it will be endless so i will stop here.
i appreciate your comments. :)

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