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RE: AI Generated Content / 인공지능 생성 콘텐츠?

in #krlast year

It just feels wrong.

It is!

Remember that with every user you attract with such opportunities, you also lose one who is simply disgusted by it.
How many users have we lost because of HRoI services? Many!!! They just couldn't stand this unbalance, these high rewards for spam (which immediately catches the eye of every newcomer, while their own painstakingly crafted posts are no longer seen)...
But no, how polemical - these are the best, most honest (daily) bloggers of the platform...


It is!

I should note that there's clearly an ethical argument against posting AI content under the pretense of being human-generated. I was thinking purely from a utilitarian perspective.

Remember that with every user you attract with such opportunities, you also lose one who is simply disgusted by it.

This is a good point.

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