
Hello @happy33,
Your post "Steemmonsters summoners cards" hast just been Resteemed !!! 😄😻😄
You have Earned this service by following me.

🙃😝🙃 If you want's to stop me, Please Unfollow @tow-heed🙃🙃🙃

kr-event태그하셔서 왔습니다^^
보팅, 팔로우하고 갑니다~

저도 SBD 100% BACK 이벤트 진행중인데 오셔서 참여부탁드려요~

오늘도 좋은하루 되세요~ :)

Yep! Alpha set is the best!

Posted using Partiko Android

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  • Post has to be a giveaway of Steemmonsters
  • Post has to give new information about Steemmonsters.
  • Post has to have a news character about Steemmonsters.
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  • Posts with only a photo of Steemmonsters or a open pack or pack opening video is not considered for upvote and warned first and banned afterworth.
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오픈챗방에서 말씀드린 바와 같이 업보팅 규정이 조정되고 있는 상황입니다. 하기 글 참조하시면 도움이 될것으로 보입니다. ^^


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