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RE: The English Corrector: 영어를 고치고 질문 받아요 #10

in #kr-english6 years ago (edited)

Accounting. (i) All payments from Customers shall be collected by Designer directly. News has to provide sales orders to Designer within (15) days of receipt of orders from Customers. News cannot claim any Commission related to each sales order if News fails to provide sales order to Designer within (15) days. Designer shall pay Commission to News within (15) days from receipt of monies from Customers. (ii) Designer shall submit the detail plan and get approved by Designer for the Showroom in advance 45 days before the Collection. Designer shall pay the Showroom Fee in advance for each month provided that News’ plan for the Showroom get approved by Designer. Designer cannot delay approval without reasonable reason (iii) Distributed Marketing Materials and Expenses for Additional Services shall be paid by Designer after getting approved by Designer in advance.

(i) 커미션 (ii) 쇼룸 전시에 대한 비용 (iii) 기타 비용을 3개로 나누어서 각자 다른 방식으로 지급한다는 게 주요 내용이고, 비문이 있거나 동일한 표현이 중복되어 별로 고급지지 않는 부분이 있다면 혹 수정이 가능할지요;;?


음 일단 몇 부분을 발췌해서 저장해놨는데요, 그 전에 한 부분의 사실관계를 질문드려야겠네요.

(ii) Designer shall submit the detail plan and get approved by Designer for the Showroom in advance 45 days before the Collection.

디자이너 둘 중 후자는 별도의 쇼룸 디자인하는 사람을 가리키는 것인가요?!

오타네요 ㅠㅠ 감사합니다 앞의 주어가 잘못되었네요 News shall~ 이 맞습니다

아하 역시 ㅋㅋ알겠습니다. 그리고 News는 쇼룸 사용에 대한 plan을 제출해야 하는 건가요?!

디자이너의 제품을 뉴스가 쇼룸에 전시해서 팔고 이에 대한 커미션을 디자이너에게 받는 것인데, 쇼룸의 어느 부분에 배치되고 쇼룸이 어떻게 구성되는지는 디자이너 제품과 관련된 사항이기에 사전에 디자이너가 컨펌하는 것이 바람직하다고 생각하여 넣은 것입니다 ^^;

아하 그렇군요. 그럼 잠시만요...

(ii) Designer shall submit the detail plan and get approved by Designer for the Showroom in advance 45 days before the Collection.

-> News shall submit a detailed plan for the Showroom to be subjected to Designer's approval, 45 days in advance of the Collection.
(앞에서 plan이 특별히 거론되었다면 the plan)

Designer shall pay the Showroom Fee in advance for each month provided that News’ plan for the Showroom get approved by Designer.

-> Designer shall pay the Showroom Fee in advance of each month, provided the plan submitted by News is approved by Designer.

Designer cannot delay approval without reasonable reason

-> Designer cannot delay giving approval (beyond a reasonable point in time, or) without due reason.
(괄호 안은 그냥 넣어본 겁니다.)

Distributed Marketing Materials and Expenses for Additional Services shall be paid by Designer after getting approved by Designer in advance.

-> 이 부분 두 디자이너 중 전자는 News인가요?

우와 역시 엄청 빠르네요 ㅋㅋ 감사합니다

아, 마지막 꺼가 news가 맞다면...getting approved 대신에 after approval from Designer를 추천합니다.

실제로는 다 고유명사로 처리되겠군요. ㅎㅎ

감사합니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

엇 덧붙이신 한글은 이제야 봤네요.

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