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RE: King Sejong the Great

in #korea6 years ago

Great to learn about the king, and that there can be some good rulers sometimes. By formulating a written language and improving the culture he has left a good legacy. Korea is a major leader in cryptocurrency today. We just need to reunite the two Koreas now.


They thing about hereditary kings is most of them don't have an insane desire to rule like self made dictators. So occasionally you get good ones.

Unification is a whole other topic. Maybe I'll post about it again if there is another key meeting soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes do post more updates. The current hereditary king Kim of N Korea is difficult to understand by us in the west. Maybe he has a reason to be so defensive against the US and her provinces like S Korea when they were the oppressor in the Korean War.

There is rumor he may bring russia back in to negotiations because USA and china have too many other issues to discuss.

I don't don't think either should trust the other. Actually north korea attacked South Korea first. Conveniently it happened just as USSR developed nuclear weapons. Provoking America when they were the only ones nuking people would have been foolish.
South korea was set up to prevent russia and china from taking Korea. If you notice China doesn't exactly liberate their neighbors they consume them. Korea would have likely become another Tibet without US interventionism. Neither Korea would want that.

It isn't an easy situation to solve, Russia, China and America don't want a unified Korea unless it is unified on terms they can tolerate. Kim can't respect human rights while his economy is so undeveloped and America won't allow development until he denuclearizes. If he does that, he will lose his edge in negotiations. A nuclear north korea is the only way korea unifies on north korean terms. South korea is divided but most people want a south korean solution or are distracted by materialism and dont care as long as that isn't affected.

In my opinion the best solution is avoid conflict and slowly improve human rights. People looking for a quick solution are nuts.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to hear your insights. I have little experience of info on Korea so am happy to be informed. Yes I can see how China is quite a colonizer. I stayed in Taipei city once for 6 weeks. Modernized Asia is very materialistic as you say, and hard working. Not much time for philosophy, meditation or inner development. Buddhism would be a good addition to any culture.

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