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in #knowledge6 years ago

Very interesting post.
So the Dogon's fish like creatures from Sirius B arrived 1,000,000 years ago, eh?
Makes sense to me such an event could have taken place such a "long time" ago. In fact I believed this was depicted in "Laws of the Sun" as a part of the dinosaur extinction episode.

The Dogon's of Mali, so far as anthropology is concerned, certainly seem to possess accurate astrological knowledge that they lack the ability to have produced themselves, and since they claim to have inherited it, it would be difficult to over a credible counter-factual to discount it.

I just got my copy of the "12th Planet" but I haven't begun digging into it. This must change. I've learned a lot about Sitchin's work from secondary sources but it is high time I grapple with the source material and begin making up my mind about this most interesting of subjects.

One of my questions for you today, would be "if the Anunnaki were created on Earth by this previous race which came from the stars, where does Nibiru / Planet X come into the mix?"

So far as I can tell, there is a growing and emerging consensus forming around the subject, but nothing too definitive as of yet, though as you point out, much new and paradigm shifting information is building up at an exponential rate.

David Icke's theory spoke to my intuition from the very first time I heard it, and I've always taken his work quite seriously and felt he was one of the earliest to start calling it "how he sees it".

His controversy in our age can really only be compared to that generated by any great visionary or prophet, and I do feel every year his predictions and insights become more and more vindicated.

Not to focus too much on one individual. The coming apocalypse is bigger than any one individual and all have a role to play in it.

In any case, great post. Look forward to more thoughts on the matter.

Best wishes,
Peace & Love


Thanks Hae-Joo. Your comments and thoughts are equally interesting. Regarding Planet X, I was kind of sold to Sitchin's theories when I read his books several years ago, but the more I dig into the matter, the more convoluted the "facts" become. And you're right, there is no definitive answer on the subject yet. My research thus far points to several theories one of which is that the Anunnaki originally comes from Plant X, then established a colony on Mars before coming to Earth. An alternative theory, keeping the tower of Babel in mind, is that the Annunaki main base was in Mars while their human slaves were tending their mines and gardens on Earth.

I should look into this "Laws of the Sun". Is the series available Amazon or Netflix?

Hey @sandalphon

So regarding Planet X there is a video content creator who does excellent research on our solar system and everything astrophysics related, but from a multidsciplinary and highly critical and open-minded perspective

(YouTube: Bright Insight)

He's been documenting everything he can about the existence of an extra as of yet undiscovered or not publicly disclosed planet/planetoid, one with an eliptical solar orbit that would match the description of the ancient Sumerian tablets information about Nibiru, and the whole crashing with Earth, and creation of the asteroid belt, etc.

He's pretty good and has linked me to interesting articles going back to the 80s and moving forward documenting very well all the new information coming to light

Lately he made a video linking an article that was discussing a research paper that found that the tilt of the axi of all the planets in our solar system cannot be explained without another planetary object exerting a force on them.

So I haven't ruled a planet Nibiru out, nor the possibility of such a planet having a livable atmosphere.

Laws of the Sun is an animated movie made by a Japanese visionary artist that remders great imagery for a lot of what the consciousness movement is on, revisiting mythology and trying to separate fact from embillished fiction.

The english dub is really over the top but in Japanese with English sub it's incredibly watchable and for most, very touching and compelling. Defo give it a try. No idea if Netflix has it, but it's quite easy to stream.

Very theosophical/anthroposophically influenced piece of art

Thanks! Been looking for it over the web and found this:

. Is this the one?

You found the funny English-sub! But it'll be fine :)

If you have knowledge of Asian languages, you will laugh at how poorly translated everything is. But visually and symbolically I feel this movie says it all, the dialogue is just for an added layer of extra "fun" ^^

Also that Asian-bias against black/dark-skinned people is probably the most noticeable part of this animation, but hey ^^
Hopefully you can see past the color-blindness ^^'

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