TSTDWYTKAD #0010 - The bigger picture and our fake world
It’s been a while since the last post. Hey, shit happens and time can slip away on your ass. As a result, it was thought to recap what the object of this whole TSTDWYTKAD exercise is for any punters reading thus far.

Stuff starts here with Introducing ... The Stuff (or Shit) They Don't Want You To Know About Department (TSTDWYTKAD #0000).
Since then, different and seemingly unconnected and isolated topics have been covered—ten to date including today’s post. But there's so much more to hit, and it will happen in time. But there’s no need to wait, so feel free to strike off on your own investigation and research. You can start with pretty much any topic and go in any order. It will eventually lead you to the same place.
The purpose of this post is to point out a spectrum of topics in summary fashion that need to be covered. Most of what we are taught and believe about our world is pretty much a big pack lies on an intricate level of deceit.
To figure out what’s really going on, it does take time and effort ... a LOT of it. It’s way too easy to brush off, say it’s all garbage and not even try. Some cite lack of time, others have no interest and one may also not be open to consider it at all.

If one does ever make the mental leap to get going, one can spin wheels in the mud for a long time indeed, trying to sort stuff between a ton of mis- and dis-info along the way. That’s why this series will continue to peel back things one item at a time, in no particular order or priority.
Here’s a relatively short introduction mentioning several aspects of our fake world, or maybe it's better to label it our controlled, contrived and deceitful reality.
One may very logically say, “Well, where be the proof at for all these crazy-ass claims?”

For those not yet attuned, much / most / all above may be met with utter disbelief and incredulity. That’s normal, and Bob was like that too in the beginning. Eventually, if you persist, things in the official narrative start falling apart under scrutiny and one’s whole belief system crumbles, turning your perspective inside out and upside down. It's also a big blow to one's ego!

It does get easier as you move along an iterative process fraught with frustration at times until learning how to sort and process stuff. Then pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place more quickly.
Ergo this series, topic by topic, to help anyone curious along with their own process. Bob ain’t by any means the solo pundit out there on all this. There are increasingly more and more awesome folks on this same journey that are sharing what they find along the way. Look at as much as you possibly can. It’s up to you if you ever even want to start. It will change your life and perspective on everything—your sorry ass may not wish to go there.

Here’s a great piece worth reading that non-exhaustively covers stuff with embedded jump-off links on individual topics mentioned. Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World. It’s as fine a place as any to start digging on your own from what Bob has sussed to date. Even so, it seems like it will be an endless journey.

A very big part of why we believe most of what we believe stems from the education system. We’re indoctrinated from an early age and it’s been done with the porpoise [sic] to keep us in the dark. Education may well have to be the next topic on deck to cover.
Salsa / Guaguancó
Album: Dog With A Rope | Tru Thoughts (UK) [TRUCD214] (2010)
The Stuff (or Shit) They Don't Want You To Know About Department (aka TSTDWYTKAD)