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RE: Dealing with Depression from Someone who was Gifted with Bipolarism

in #klyeart8 years ago

Pick up a 'AA' cell. Have a look. There's a negative side and a positive side. If one is missing, it won't work. If a connection to one side or the other is faulty, it won't work.

Such is life. Be the battery.


Hahahaha. This made me laugh.. But, you're entirely correct. I must battery better. :P

The simple concept has helped me find and maintain a good balance in life, mentally. Why does the energizer bunny just keep going and going? That rabbit knows something.

The down times are necessary, in my mind. Otherwise, how would I know what the good times are? There must be something to compare. You're Canadian. What good would summer be, without winter? To have power, you must have both the positive and the negative. It's all good. Be the battery. It is humorous though, in it's simplicity. I used to "suffer". There's a chance I might again. Ever since I became the battery, I've just been different. Complete. Energized.

Very good outlook! respect!

Your outlook on the matter is infectious I'll give you that.

Gah, don't remind me of winter! Worst thing about Canada hands down is the fact we're frozen half the damn year..!

You are correct though. I need to realize that I need the down spells as well as the up to make me rounded. Being manic all the time isn't sustainable.

I realize the mind will control itself at times as well. No amount of words or wisdom will ever change that. I can really only speak for myself. I'm experienced, but not on hung framed paper. I heard Bruce Lee speak of something similar, but I cannot find the video.

...and you know what... I think it's about to start snowing. I don't like the sounds of this wind and rain. Lahey said it best. "The shit winds are coming." Have a good day.

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