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RE: Dealing with Depression from Someone who was Gifted with Bipolarism

in #klyeart8 years ago

I completely and totally feel you @klye - and perhaps why I like you so much! I was assessed with Asperger's as an adult but struggle with manic-depression (I prefer that term over bi-polarism - don't ask me why). I was always awkward and shy in my youth and felt much like an alien. I still do, but I've learned to play nice with people. LOL Maybe that's why I love writing...I get to maim and murder my characters at will and don't have to worry about jail time. XD
I fight the dark place all the time but the one thing I can say with deep honesty, I've had periods in my life where I prayed for death. But I kept breathing and grasping onto anything that gave me hope that tomorrow would be better. Thank you for sharing your personal story. You certainly are NOT alone... but if we're anything alike, sometimes the dark place is comforting. I know I like to wallow there once in a while and be a total bitch, but it helps me appreciate the good all the more. XOXOX


<3 You're a gem merej99. Thank you for sharing your story with me.

Us akward folk must band together! We are after all the ones whom make the world interesting... if everyone was "normal" could you imagine how boring life would be?

I never would have pegged you on the spectrum had you not mentioned it! Not that it matters anyways. Some of the most intelligent and interesting people I've met in my life have been diagnosed with Aspergers. :)

Thank you for reaching out and mentioning that I'm not alone.. I'm not sure if it's apparent in this post but I am going through a rough patch at the moment and your reply helped more than you probably will ever know. <3

Oh yeah, I've rejected "normal" a long time ago and I definitely encourage everyone to embrace their inner kook.

Ironically, the more I accepted my oddities, the more people just accepted me for! Good or bad, what a crazy concept! After a lifetime of watching people, I've learned how to pretend being human. Most people think I'm "cured".

And since I've so graciously given you permission to wallow (just a tiny bit) in the dark place - don't stay there too long. I've got bungee cords, rope, duct tape, and a floatie that I can toss your way.

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