My Laptop is Starting to Crap Out... Should I Save for Another Laptop or Build a Desktop Rig?

in #klyeart8 years ago (edited)

The first few hours of my day were spent panicking and praying to various deities that my nearly 6 year old laptop would boot up to the familiar cluttered desktop I normally spend 16+ hours a day on. It's an older Asus laptop and it's been my workhorse for over half a decade.

While my laptop sat in a bootloop caused in part by a Windblows 8.1 update and partially due to a jammed cooling fan it donned on me that my backups of nearly everything were outdated... and if I was unable to get the laptop to boot again I basically would have lost access to all of my Bitcoin as well as a number of accounts I have here on Steemit for other projects. I don't have a bank account like most people. 100% of my monetary worth is in crypto currencies. While this may seem crazy to some I trust banks less than I trust cryptography, nuff said.

Backup ALL THE THINGS! (or regret it thoroughly later)

Needless to say I've spent the past few hours backing up the information I need in case of catastrophic laptop failure. While my computer is my lively-hood eventually it is going to cease to function and instead of fretting that day I'd like to replace it before it completely kicks the bucket. Certainly going to be backing up all of my important documents more often now that I've had this scare. Hopefully this laptop holds out until I can afford to replace it.

Now... Should I Save for a Desktop Rig or Laptop?

In order to have the STEEM community aide me in my choice of laptop or custom PC build I feel it's important to share a bit about my computer usage on a day to day basis.

First off, I'm an avid gamer and when I do allow myself free time I enjoy nothing more than losing a few hours in a video game. As a current laptop owner I'm rocking an AMD A8 processor on 8GB of RAM... Hardly a gaming rig but the integrated GPU on the A8 does allow me to play most games on low/medium as long as they are properly optimized. The biggest perk of course with the laptop setup is mobility.. with that being said up until this year I was very nomadic in nature and it made no sense for me to cart around a huge PC rig. With my times of homelessness and poverty slowly fading away in memory in favour of hard work and dedication the option of building a PC rig makes itself far more attractive.

Next comes cost compared to specs. I'm not a rich man by any means so getting the most value out of my hard earned dollar is important to me. With laptops you generally spend a bit more for the same specs you'd find on its desktop counterpart which always sort of boggled my mind.. The laptop seemingly has less material needed to be manufactured. Realistically I'd like to build a PC rig or purchase a laptop that has specs greater than this current unit I'm on right now and would like to keep the budget < $500 if possible (excluding case). I've already got a 750w power supply sitting here from my short lived career in Bitcoin mining so right there I've already saved $60-$80 on the custom PC rig build alone assuming the 750w corsair supply is beefy enough to power these newer CPU & GPU's.

Thirdly comes usability and earning potential, While I'm entirely aware that mining on laptops is a fools endevour I briefly mined on my current unit with some success on a few small crypto projects I was involved with early on. I'll never advise anyone follow suit with this as it WILL damage your GPU/CPU and other components if you've not adequate cooling and temperature monitoring. Living in Canada does have it's perks when it comes to crypto mining in the winter months (Get paid to heat your house) and if I can find a motherboard that allows multiple GPUs perhaps a dedicated mining card could be saved up for and purchased in the future. If somehow I was able to reimburse myself the cost of building the PC rig over the course of a few years mining was feasible I'd gladly go that route.

Know of any Deals, PC Build Hacks or Affordable Resellers?

If you've got some sweet advice on where to look for PC parts or laptops and would like to share the info with me please comment below. While I've still got a while yet before I can save up enough money to start seriously looking to purchase anything leads on where the best deals are to be had are greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading and helping me decide!

My Savings Goal and Budget

The hope and goal is to be able to find an affordable laptop or PC build parts for around $500. I know I'm not going to be getting anything top of the line for this price but at the end of the day I only need something that will serve it's purpose and keep me online so I can keep working on various STEEM projects. My laptop could very well just cease to boot up on next restart and the need to save up and invest in a new PC before this one is completely unusable is nearly uncomfortable. Within the remainder of the year I'd like to have the money saved up to replace this laptop so I can retire it still in semi-working condition for later use rather than find myself without a development rig and income.

Please feel free to comment below on your budget PC build, how you go about saving for looming expenses and what the best ways to earn money for an artist / web developer / general weido are. Thanks for reading and your advice / leads ahead of time!

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A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada
(News on @steemcanada Campaign Soon!)

100% of Payout Received From This Post Towards a New Computer!


Unfortunately for you its a bad time to get a broken computer.
Well, it always is.
Main reason is AMD will release Zen in a few months (end of January atm), and with it comes a general jump in technology - DDR4, 14nm GPUs SSDs etc.
That means a lot of competition compared to the last years.

That said you cant create time and you dont have the money for those either.

For a 500$ Rig I strongly recommend a Desktop.
The cheap version would be an AMD APU like you have in your Laptop.
Yes, they are outdated. But that also is the reason why they are cheap.
You can get the current A10-78XX for just a bit over 100€ (150 Canadian dollar?)
Together with a cheap mainboard and 8GB of DDR3-2133 you can play every game, although current ones with low settings.

Then get a SSHD. That is a combination of a "old" harddisk with a SSD like cache. The 20 bucks more compared to HDDs are worth it and you cant get a full size SSD in your budget.

Together with case and the basics you should come out at definitely less then 500$ for a new Rig. Get a good blower for the APU for the rest and feel the near-silent best of APUs! (I have the lower TDP part and use passive cooling, no sound at all! And it plays Skyrim (old edition) with high settings.)
BUT that one wont give you lots of mining power or power gaming, thats for sure.
Getting an older Intel Quad computer with an dedicated GPU may be better for this. Cant give you tips for Canada though.

If you want to offset costs you might want to look at Suchflex:
That is still beta (feels more like alpha) though.
They also use Gridcoin, but you can "mine" that standalone. Unfortunately Suchflex atm still overrides standard BOINC installs. You can make it work, but it needs a few manual clicks every computer start then.

Wow thank you for this comprehensive and information laden reply sir. I'll look into what you've laid out here as I start planning my build and it's components.

flagged due to tag spam. What does this have to do with basicincome?

You're entirely correct dan. I'll remove that tag..

It would be amazing if access to a computer was a basic human right but I didn't mention that here.

Removing the tag now. Would you consider removing your flag afterwards? A downvote from you severely buggers with my quest to get lvl 69 ranking. :/

While you're entirely open to leave the flag if you see fit I'd ask you not only as an early steem user but also as a fellow STEEM developer and immutable social network advocate to reconsider it.

I should know better, and at the time of writing this and selecting tags I wasn't in malicious state of mind nor was I trying to pull a fast one. I just looked at the tags near the top I best felt categorized this post and thought nothing else of it.

I drew this as I was assured you'd left me to rot in red flag ville:

(click image for larger view)

Thank you for removing the flag, I'm still a wee bit saddened by the whole ordeal but you're simply using the system as it was intended so I can't really personally be mad at you. I guess in the future if you have the time it would be greatly preferred you just shoot me a message and allow me time to fix things I mess up on rather than completely devastating my morale and making me question the past 5 months of helping get things done for STEEM.

It may not be a huge deal for you to hand out flags to folks.. But for a lowly developer like me who's already in a stressful situation with failing hardware that needs to be replaced to further develop his STEEM projects then ontop of that have the main developer lay waste to you... gah it's been a rough day.

Definitely a desktop build! You aren't going to get a decent laptop for $500, but you might be able to get a desktop up and running. And of course, upgrade it over time.

I don't think this will fit in $500 for a full build, but Core i5 6500 and AMD RX 470 are the best value for money in terms of CPU and GPU.

Thanks for letting me know some cheaper entry level parts sir!

I think I'm leaning towards desktop as well.. More possibilities!

I build rigs and fix laptops for a living, even in the boot-loop your data was just fine... As for your question, desktop... And build it from parts don't you dare walmart that shit...
I paid $400 Canadian funny money for mine with taxes and shipping on the parts.
I cheaped out on my graphics card and only got a AMD 6000 series 1 gb gddr5 used, but can still play most games on high and mine coin at night. The mining already paid for the card and half the computer.
When building a good rule to use is ignore 1st and 2nd best parts, go with the 3rd best it tends to have the best balance between what it can do and price.
If ur on the Nova Scotia side of Canada I'd offer to fix that laptop right up, cut the plastic around the cpu and unjam that fan, add a small linux os so if this happens again you have dual boot to save your data.
$500 will get you snuck in just under top of the line if you choose parts on sale and get the right ones, and to everyone else it will look and feel top of the line.

I'm actually more than good looks and a steady pencil! I do appreciate the offer for fixing this laptop though. <3

This thing is simply nearing the end of it's lifecycle. Doesn't matter what upkeep I do she's slowly and surely just wearing out on a hardware level.

I'll build my own rig. Even though I haven't built a PC since Windblows XP was new tech (holy crap I'm old) so I'll have to do more research.

Thank you for sharing your build and advice on tiers of parts. :)

They all go together the same just a few clips look different since xp lol.
For your budget i'd go with:
AMD FX 4 or 6 core, whatever ones on sale (Intel is too much $ for your budget)
8 GB+ DDR 3 ram
Nvidia 750 Ti or AMD 7870 (can get one used for cheap), they will mine without killing your wallet
100 gb solid state (only put windows and linux on this)
1 tb program drive (everything else here)

I get my parts of or newegg AS THEY COME ON SALE
If you do it right you, get things on sale, even with the board, case, fans and power supply, you can build a box that would beat most of the laptops under $1200 for $350-$400


You are the man. Will start looking at these parts and see if they come on sale.

I'm saving for this graphics card. Want one so bad. What a beast....

Holy hell that thing is more than my entire PC build budget..

It's so SHINY!

I literally just had the same thing happen it SUCKS!

My laptop is my workstation and only means of income.. if this thing craps before I can get it replaced I'm going to be in serious crap.

Yes, I totally get it. Let me know what happens and maybe I can help you if things going south.

Highly appreciated sir!

Hopefully I can earn enough though with my posting and projects to afford my own new PC. I'll generally only take handouts if I'm absolutely dire needs. :/

So I should trust you to be top witness and take care of steemit blockchain and you even don't have decent computer? Sorry, I don't know nothing about computers, but I'm not feel comfortable with this.

Well, for starters I run 2 servers (in a large well known datacenter) and those are the machines that do all of the grunt work needed for the witness stuff I do for the network.

Then I've got 3 other servers running a seed node on, one for and another running the video serving for that project.

My monthly server expenses are just shy of $250 USD a month.. All of which are dedicated to the STEEM network and the various projects I'm developing for it.

This almost sounds like you're judging me based off of my financial situation and you haven't actually done research into how exactly the whole witness system is set up.

I'm a self employed web developer and artist living in the middle of no-where Canada. If it was as simple as me snapping my fingers and ordering a new PC to work on from some seemingly endless bank account that would be wonderful.. Sadly it's not like that though and I work extremely hard coding things for people who don't have the skill or time..

Please check you condescending attitude at the door sir, If you "don't know nothing about computers" perhaps it's best not stick your misplaced opinion in places it really doesn't need to be.

Not only does it really make you seem like some abysmally uneducated individual but also makes you sound like you're some richy rich snob.. Which I'm sure you're neither.

Worst comes to absolute worst I can always perform my witness duties and SSH into my servers as needed with my cell phone.. However have you ever tried coding on a 5 inch touch screen? It's nearly impossible hence the need for me to replace this laptop with a new rig before it gives up the ghost.

Having fear and uncertainty about things you don't understand is normal human reaction I'll give you that.. But rather than berating me in a time where I need aide why not offer support? I thought the older generations were supposed to be more down to earth and understanding rather than take the chance to kick a guy when he's down. :/

You see. Was not so hard to explain. I get some good information and learn something new . Like every day here on steemit. Maybe you enlightened even somebody else. And you get at least on new voter for witness position if not more. The last thing I would do here: I would never kick the guy when he's down. Especially a fellow canuck.

I apologize for hopping on the defensive so fast.. It's been a stressful day between my laptop showing signs of death and getting flagged by a developer whale.

I can see where you'd get the whole "this jackass doesn't even have the money to buy a new PC" from though.. If it was a situation where I was unable to afford my witness servers I'd make it public that I was shutting down due to financial costs and that would be that.

I appreciate you playing "devils advocate" so to speak. Just lets me know I need to work on my PR game a bit more when I'm stressin' out.

Cheers Oldtimer. Thanks for the lesson in life. :)

I get two intelligent answers and I'm glad I'd upvote you for witness. That's my first upvote and to get me from my couch to grab user key from drawer ?! That's not easy and you should be proud of yourself. Hope I'd make your day nicer ;)

Oh man. Thanks oldtimer. I appreciate you cutting me some slack and gettin' out the keys to vote my witness. Much appreciated captain.

I love your artwork!

Thank you Ruben!

I'll try to do more, more often! All this coding is making me crazy!

Just build a new computer , you can do your daily things naturally and you can even play games as bonus. 500-1000$ would be more than enough.
1070 GTX or 1060 GTX
PowerSupply you already have one
8gb of ram.
Motherboard anyone is fine really. 50-100$
And you are good to go.

Thanks Pirate!

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