Hots or Shots Promo Art (NSFW)

in #klyeart6 years ago

Was in steemspeak discord chat channel this afternoon and was approached by @jonny-clearwater to do some promo art for his new STEEM exclusive series...

Hots or Shots

Of course I perverted it into this, with the vision of @jonny-clearwater helping...

Go check out this dude's series..! He's one of the more real and raw Steemsters we have here!


If you want some art done up (with or without dicks) let me know..! I do commissioned art.

C==8 Vote KLYE for Witness 8==D


LOL...nice drawings. I went and watched the hots or shots episode of @jonny-clearwater in Texas. It's really cool :)

This is the most funny nsfw I've ever seen. Thanks for your artwork.

wow really great post & nice art i like this post thanks for tha good information

Why have I not seen this before?

Truly your dick art is off the charts.

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