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RE: Dealing with Depression from Someone who was Gifted with Bipolarism

in #klyeart8 years ago (edited)

There's nothing "wrong" with you - you've been misguided by a sick society who is far more sick than you realize. You FEEL, and most people these days don't feel shit... "They" have a pathological illness that's spread to most people - so you've escaped!

The fact you go through what you do means you're part of something that's genuine that just needs to be self-harnessed and trained.

Get into meditation. Seriously. Fuck all the drugs, and the worthless "psychology" and become your best genius potential. It's just waiting to be tapped into.

Sift through my blogs on being an Empath. It's a gift that just needs to be strengthened.



Thank you for sharing your outlook on this and shedding new light on it for me. I do feel empathy and sometimes it's hard to deal with. Gift and a curse I guess.

I struggle with my emotions.. And come from a western culture where men are supposed to be strong and emotionless. It simply doesn't work for me.

Ups and downs are what I deal with all the time.. I am getting better at rounding it all out but at the end of the day sometimes I just feel like crap..

With that being said the thing that keeps me going a lot of the time is the fact that people really do seem to enjoy what i have to say and the things I work on. Hopefully as I grow as a human I'm able to have more productive and good times than low and crap times..

Here is too a happier future for everyone!

Actually, I have a theory that men are more emotional - it's a drive to be a warrior - sick society is trying to stop men from being self sufficient warriors. Pull a certain trigger in a man and he'll be crying while killing. It's something that has hardly ever been studied - openly.

For me, nature is where I go to try and calm down. The animals - the trees... the oceans - flowers, and even good happy folk in harmony brings me back to center.

Good luck, man.

BTW, I go through it all too. What I try to do when I'm down is find what pulls me back up. Anchors...

Thanks dude.

I'm not built like a warrior by any means.. Nor do I really like hurting people.

Brought up in a society telling me to man up and stop feeling my emotions only served to make me feel alienated and that I was some sort of pansy. I'm glad that as time has passed it's becoming more common place for males to be allowed to show their emotions on all ends of the spectrum rather than being ridiculed and called soft for expressing how they feel.

It started raining after I submitted this, Normally I'm not a huge fan of the rain but it's oddly soothing to me tonight. Nature shedding tears I simply don't have the energy to shed myself I guess.

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