Kinesis: Work on Kinesis (my entry for contest) #kinesis #orignalworks #esteem

in #kinesis6 years ago (edited)


The vision for Kinesis is to deliver an evolutionary step beyond any monetary and banking system available today This is achieved by giving the Kinesis currencies 1:1 direct allocated asset backing. Use is incentivised by attaching a unique multifaceted yield system This promotes the use of Kinesis as a medium of exchange while distributing back the wealth generated according to proportionate KVT holdings and velocity.

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Physical Gold and Silver Kinesis' primary currencies, KAU and KAG are backed 1:1 with allocated physical gold and silver two of the greatest stable and definable stores of value for use in trade and investment Allocated means that full direct title to the buillion The Kinesis debit card allows for instant conversion backing the KAU and KAG coins is held by the owner of the respective coin of KAU and KAG into fhat currency anywhere in the world where Viesa Mastercard is accepted, even allowing Kinesis currency holders to withdraw funds at an ATM.

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Bespoke Blockchain Technology The Kinesis Money team has developed a proprietary blockchain network forked off the Stellar blockchain for the Künesis currency suite. The Kinesis Blockchain Network provides very high transaction speeds, coupled with customisable percentage-based transaction fees, which has created optimal conditions for the Kinesis currency This allows for the high velocity required in the Kinesis currencies core to the Kinesis model
The Kinesis Monetary Sysem attaches a yield to physical gold and silver r varying degrees of passive or active participation Minter Yield: Minter receive a proportional 5 % share of the tra on fees on the Kinesis coins they created ane then used. Minting is the Holder Vield Kinesis holders receive 15% a share of the fansaction fees generated holding the crrencies, calculated on a daily bullion holdings into HAU and KAG coins; this its done in the Kinesis Prmary Market Depositors Yield: Kibesis depositors will Recruiter ld: The recruiter yield rewards people or coporations who recruit and refer new users to Kinesis receive a 5 % share of transaction fees on their initial deposit and theh use of Kinesis coins from their Kinesis Wa let.

▫️Physical Gold and Silve
Kinesis primary currencies KAU and KAG. are based 1:1 on allocated physical gold and silver, two of the greatest stable and definable stores of value for use in trade and investment Allocated means that full irect title to the bullion backing the KAU and KAG coins is hel by the owner of the resocctive coin The Kinesis debit card llops for instant conversion of KAU and KAG into fat currenc anywhere in the world where Visa / Mastercard is accepted,even allowing Kinesis currency holders to withdraw funds at an AM

The Kinesis Velocity Token is an ERC20 ubility token that receives a portion of the transaction fees from the Kinesis Monetary System KVT holders receive a proportional 20 % share of all transaction fees associated with all Kinesis currencies and a further incentive of 20 % of al commissions from the Kinesis Commercial Centre

🏳️Kleros is an application based on Ethereum stage. It goes about as a decentralized outsider firm whose essential obligation is to parley debate among different contracts. The framework has been constructed in view of Game Theory ideas to employ legal hearers who can manage the cases suitably. The group professes to accomplish a totally secure mediation process which is completely computerized by depending just on the amusement hypothetical financial motivating forces.

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This Ethereum self-sufficient association has been planned in light of an idea called SchellingCoin component. The hypothesis of Schelling Coin is totally centered around genuineness and it is being utilized for decentralized prophets and forecast markets. As per this hypothesis, voting sensibly with different individuals is a worthy conduct to be boosted.

Though, on account of Kleros, the motivations configuration is somewhat unique to discover equity for various kinds of difficulties with respect to scaling, subjectivity, and protection.

How does Kleros function❓

Refereed contracts 📝 and Privacy 🔑

Considering the current question goals advances which are exceptionally costly and problematic, the Kleros group has concocted a quick, straightforward and modest debate goals component which is totally solid. The framework ensures that the savvy contracts are executed naturally and does exclude any judgments which are outside the blockchain.

Under this select in court framework, the agreement makers pick the quantity of legal hearers they require and the sort of the court which will run their case. The agreement makers will get different court alternatives to choose from. A portion of the current court arborescences in the framework are E-business, Transport, Insurance, and so on.

In view of the determination of court arborescence, the members of the jury will have alternatives accessible to vote.
Kleros guarantees that the advantaged data of gatherings which has been unveiled to the members of the jury will be kept private and the names of the votes from the hearers are not distributed on the blockchain. The protection is taken care of by actualizing lopsided encryption strategies with the goal that lone the jury gets data of the agreement.

Jury choice and Votes 🗳️

The self-chose applicants who wish to fill in as legal hearers in Kleros can contribute a token called Pinakion [PNK]. There are diverse innovations to maintain a strategic distance from vindictive candidates. Just the dynamic token contributors will be considered and allowed to be an attendant. The last choice will be done haphazardly by the framework. Once the determination is done, the legal hearers are permitted to vote in favor of the alternatives they have given in view of the arborescence.

Every legal hearer will get the installment in light of the debate they have unraveled. The brilliant contract is the chief of which gathering will pay the mediation expense.

The gatherings have an alternative to bid a ultimate choice in the event that they believe that the legal hearers have not given them finish equity. New interests will have double the quantity of members of the jury who managed the underlying choice with an extra hearer.

Once the choice has been settled by the Kleros, tokens are made prepared for redistribution among the members of the jury. Members of the jury are boosted in view of their trustworthiness and the tokens are given to them if their votes are lucid with the other gathering of legal hearers.

Token redistribution among 7 legal hearers. Weave who lost the question pays the discretion expenses.
Aside from the previously mentioned highlights, the Kleros group has influenced the framework 'To reward Resistance' which is an obligatory component which every one of the gatherings are searching for.

Kleros can likewise be utilized as a multipurpose framework for various sorts of arrangements, for example, Insurance, Oracle, Micro Tasking, Social Networks, Escrow, and so forth.

✔️Conclusion ✔️

Kleros is a decentralized court framework which is in charge of mediation of shrewd contracts with the assistance of members of the jury who are enrolled by means of the Internet. The product framework has been accomplished by presenting Game Theory idea alongside Blockchain Technology. The framework keeps running on a convention which bolsters various applications in web based business, back, exchange, travel and numerous different fields.

Kleros utilize digital forms of money to get finish equity to various contracts which are dull to be sought after in a court. A definitive objective of Kleros is to convey a decentralized, economical and solid question goals system to the Peer to Peer economy.

AMBCrypto's detailing group directed a meeting with the Founder and CTO of Kleros, Clément Lesaege‌.

This post is thanks to @originalworks

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