Kill The Spider A Red Pill Dilemma

in #killthespider6 years ago

When I told @wizardave I would post on his #killthespider theme I thought it would be a breeze. After all I have been following the white rabbit for years. Believe me there is a rabbit hole to go down no matter where you look. It usually is just a matter of how deep one wishes to go.
Red pill Blue pill Dayquil Nyquil awake asleep great awakening great deception.

It is enough to make the head spin.

These days you can pick almost any topic to deeply research and end up with a red pill wake up call. The rabbit holes are everywhere.

So what's the problem?

It can become quickly overwhelming. There is simply too much information out there. I know from experience it takes a lot of digging once you get past the thin veneer of perceived reality you find layer upon layer of "truth"

The trouble with making a post for the challenge is in choosing which tunnel to travel down.

It seems the spider has woven a web of deception throughout every aspect of society and history. It is just a matter of digging deep enough.

My research into these topics has taken me all the way back to the origins of mankind,and forward to the future of where the human race is headed. Epoch spanning and paradigm shifting. In other words far beyond my blog writing skills.

My Solution

I have decided to break it down into a series of posts covering a wide range of topics. I have peeked into many rabbit holes over the years. Been pretty deep into quite a few. I also want to test out the theory that any topic can be "red pilled" if one looks hard enough.

Since @wizardave has been kind enough to allow multiple entries, I may get one out in time for his current challenge.

I would love to see #killthespider grow. I believe it would lead to the coming together of like minds,and lead to lots of eye opening conversation and debate. Thanks @wizardave for another great topic idea.

These are some of my favorite discussion topics. Many times someone has found a side tunnel I have yet to explore, or a new piece of info that helps to frame out an idea.


Awesome sauce @headchange. (That's what my Spades partner says sometimes when we win a hand on my phone app haha)

once you get past the thin veneer of perceived reality you find layer upon layer of "truth"

  • Like peeling an onion. Actually what it is is peeling the scales from our eyes, so we can see the truth. Anyone can do it if they start with an open mind.

I would wager this is a true statement!...

any topic can be "red pilled" if one looks hard enough.

That's my problem. I prefer the brutal truth of reality (red pill)
and sometimes wish I could be happy with the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill). So, whenever anything is in the news, I'm always thinking hmm I wonder what the real story is? I wonder if this is just a bit of misdirection from some other big story, or if this is just being spun as part of the web of deceit?...

Anyways, I look forward to your series, and I'm glad my challenge has primed your pump. The only way we'll ever be able to get back to a normal world (if that is even possible) is by sharing enough information, so maybe finally something clicks with just one new person... and then another... and then another...

The thing is it's not just the news. Once you start looking it is so much deeper than that. The entertainment industry, the food supply, the medical/healthcare field, literature, the education system, history, politics/government, financial/banking, technology...... I could go on all day.
Seems there is an endless list of areas where one can blue oill it and have a pleasant dream.
I have heard of the sauce, not in a card game. 😉

Exactly! It can be a bit overwhelming...

What's up @headchange,
Your post "Kill The Spider A Red Pill Dilemma " hast just been resteemed !!!.🙂🙂🙂
You have Earned this service by following me.

😝😝😝 Be ENGASED to continue with this FREE Restreem service @tow-heed😄😻😄

Thank you! 👍 Ever bit helps 😄

I look forward to your series. Maybe I will pump something out for this contest too. Like you said, there is just such a wide variety of subjects to work from.

Oh I really hope you do. I would love to see what you have to say. To be honest I just couldn't decide on one thing. I decided I can come up with way more to say than will fit in a post

Curation trail vote :)

I forgot about what someone told me here regarding truth. Is the truth we want to believe the real truth? The web we want to dig into could be the wrong one. Are there absolutes? We only want to believe what we want to believe. In relation to uncovering the truth, recently a rhinoceros remains and tools that date back to 700,000 years ago were discovered in our country. This is re-writing history. The truth is only true until it lasts.

True, there seems to be new discovery and technology every day. The more I learn the more I discover just how much I don;t know. Hope your Grandfather is doing better.

Hi there,

Just popping by to see how you're doing.

I enjoy your writing style, although I would love to see and hear more from 'you' but that is just 'me' ;>)

In case you need any inspiration before you wanna plunge into the deep ( and start sharing your own creations and ideas with this platform ), feel free to reach out to me on discord ( VincentNijman#5870 ) or take a peak at my steemit blog.

I can tell you one thing, I never run out of ideas and am totally over my perfectionism. I just throw out there whatever feels good.

C ya around!


You know I think you are right. Actually I have been meaning to catch up with you, it's been a while.
I especially need to catch up on your blog. You have a way of making see through a different lens. Besides I want to see what happens next.
Yeah be seein ya, for sure :)


Sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the (Steemit) trees.
Making people see through a different lens is exactly what I love to do. It might have to do with my filmmaking background and my teaching history...

I wish you an awesome day and I'll be 'seeing' you :>)

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