Kill The Pad Challenge Week 3 - Shatter Your Illusions

in #killthepad7 years ago

Artwork by @scuzzy

The Kill The Pad Challenge theme this week is Freedom. All one needs to do is look at the chaos that goes on in the world, to realize that most are not free. Freedom given by the hand that feeds, is not really freedom, it's an illusion. This is the state of reality we are faced with daily. You want to be free, quit being led by those that lead. You want change? Be the change that you want to see happen in the world.

Shatter Your Illusions

Living in the land of the sheep, and home of the slave
You never had a chance to live totally free, or brave
We've been shattered, fractured, torn and tattered
Being spoonfed illusions that will leave us battered

Don't you grow tired of being lied to on a daily basis
By controlled opposition that is completely faceless
Unknown agents of destruction, wage war on humanity
Information thugs entertain us with the latest calamity

Suffocation, isolation, desolation, and degradation
All being sold with power of the almighty dollar
Indoctrination is the state of the corporate nation
Isn't it time that we drop our god damned collar

Everything you see and hear, are illusions of grandeur
Everything you hold true, will put you out to pasture
Everything you've been told, is a nightmare fairy tale
Everything you believe right, defines an absolute fail

Spending your life clueless, always playing follow the leader
Fighting endless war for the quest of oil, drugs and debt
You're looking for that next big fix, scoping out a new dealer
Shatter your illusions, rise to challenge current mind set

Freedom given, it is an illusion that is planted in your mind
If you fail to take it, freedom is something you'll never find

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Dammmnnnn son!

Freedom given, it is an illusion that is planted in your mind
If you fail to take it, freedom is something you'll never find

Loved this one, great ending. Really liked some of your schemes too and you switched up your scheme too in a couple places which is really fucking cool. Really dig it. I would love to see some more multi-syllable rhyme schemes in there. Not just single words that rhyme in a bar leading up to the end rhyme, but multiple words that make multiple syllables and still rhyme together.

Really great entry, really good. Appreciate you participating!

Thanks :-) I will try that on the next go round.

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