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RE: Atlantic City

in #killerpoetry6 years ago (edited)

While I totally get that it's not everybody's cup of tea, in this case I kind of agree with @eyedreemit: "I appreciate a puzzle". The imagery is often so powerful that, if it seems disjointed, it sets my mind spinning, trying to suss out the connections.

I like the conversation on the beach in the first poem, it sounds to me like one has felt both the power and the danger in words, while the other wants them to have more power, sees the potential in them but has yet to find the fulfillment of that potential... the only clarification I would like is re: the last two lines. Who is speaking them? It seems to me that the meaning of the entire piece hinges on the answer to this question.

The second poem was my favorite, the surreal imagery bleeding time together, past present and future all facets of the same beautiful but apocalyptic experience, culminating in my favorite (out of many favorite) lines: "destruction makes the world burn/brighter than any star."

There's a revelatory mysticism here, anchored firmly in the physical, sensory and sensual experience of the world, which gives these poems a delicious and frightening power. Almost as if one had somehow come across an ancient book of magic, and were brazenly reading the long forgotten spells aloud...


This is the highest praise I could possibly receive, @bennettitalia, thank you so much!

A lot of my fear in my writing exists in the realm of have I strayed to far as the writer to where the reader won't want to read my writings because of the burdens I place on them by using so much symbolism and sectional imagery to tell an often broken narrative.

Those last two lines, if they fit one established character more than the other, than they belong to them, my friend. I try to Occam's Razor as much as possible to minimize how many words I need to use - my goal is just enough to tell the story. Sometimes it works, others, I give up from drafting too many times and not finding the path, haha - I'll usually come back a few years later and figure something out.

Hey mate, thank you so much! for the read, the comment, these words!! it means so much to me that my writing found a place to connect with you, really. So appreciated, my friend.

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