KillerPix Contest - BRIDGES

in #killerpix6 years ago

This week it was really hard to choose between the bridges of the countries, cities and even the perspectives. I have had so many to choose between! Being a traveller, you get to take images of everything worth remembering! There are ordinary, quirky, romantic, modern, heritage, etc. bridges. My choice this time fell on the UK because of the great significance. So here we go!

Ironbridge Gorge
Ironbridge Gorge is located in the village of Ironbridge in Shropshire. The bridge is under UNESCO world heritage site protection for its historic significance. Built in 1779, it served as a connecting link between two industrial parts of the river Severn and now is a popular tourist destination. It is the first Iron Bridge in the world!

This image has been taken on the spontaneous visit to the Ironbridge back in the August 2012. I have as usual taken a camera with almost flat battery and this shot was one of the few I have managed to get.

ISO 100 | f 5 | 1/50 sec | Sony Alpha A230
Reference: Wikipedia, 2017. Ironbridge Gorge. Accessed 19 January 2018.

Tower Bridge Lodnon
It took eight years to buit the bascule bridge. Today it is one of the London's landmarks and gathers big numbers of tourists every day. It is also a listed structure which gives it a historic significance.
I have taken this picture in the November 2013 when taking relatives for a trip to London. The day was cold yet sunny. We were walking all day long and at the end of the day we were so tired we could barely talk.

ISO 100 | f 10 | 1/160 sec | Sony Alpha A230
Reference: Wikipedia, 2018. Tower Bridge. Accessed 19 January 2018.

The image is for the #killerpix contest by @killerwhale.

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© Rimicane


Эх, а я не смогла прогуляться по Тауэрскому мосту. Видела его только со стороны Тауэра.

Первый железный мост - потрясающий!!!

Ну, ничего! В следующий раз! Спасибо!

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