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RE: KillerPix Contest #4 - The Birthday Cake

in #killerpix7 years ago

That's a really cute cake! I bet the rest of it was tasty. HAHA! I'd probably be right there with him... nothing has ever been "too sweet" for me. BUT I am with you - I'm also a total cake snob too, and make everything from scratch. Last time I tried using something from the store to enhance my frosting, I just ended up hating its really "fake" flavor. Ick.


You know, am a bit weird, I don't mind grocery store cakes with cream, although I know their buttercream is mostly shortening and blah, but I don't mind (some) of those cakes 😂😂😂 but canned frosting I used for this cake was wow, super hurting for the teeth, super sweet, and I didn't even add additional icing sugar 🙄 and yes, the flavor wasn't there, the smell was there a little 😅

Thanks ms @offbeatbroad !

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