
Lol, I have to admit I was rather scared in the beginning but I'm getting more and more confident around them now. My son is always suited up but we only have the one suit so I am never protected.

Our bees are pretty calm, we must have a good queen. If they start getting a little antsy I'll back away but they're usually pretty good. They'll only sting if they feel like they absolutely must, since that will kill them. They can give you a bump and that is their warning that they're not happy, if I start getting bumped a lot, which I can at times (or I could be just in their flight path, lol) I will back away.

I take photos every time we open them up though, it's a great way to keep records and watch their progress. It's also a great learning tool, we often see so much more in the photos.

Well ... hmmm... i just wanna keep my streak alive of no bee stings ever. (knock on wood)

Says the man out in the wilderness... lol

In the 7 months we've had them, we've had one sting only. That was to my son. It was a crazy bee that was confused we think...

We're only on a 600msq block, with not a huge yard, my daughter plays out there all the time, swings on her swings which are right next to them. They're not at all bothered by us at all.

However... don't consume honey beforehand as they can smell it and they will hang around you if they can smell it. And don't wear any essential oils as they are also attracted to a number of them... so we have learnt!

I don't think we give bees enough credit for our own fears of them. : )

That's really awesome! And great for the kids to grow up to that and be exposed to it and just kinda not even worry. Awesome.

My daughter can be a little blasé about them at times and I need to remind her but having them has certainly taught me differently. When we first got them, I use to stay inside behind glass and watch... I know I don't need to do that now. They put up with me and my macro now, so they're not too bad! Shows how far I've come with them too! : )

It seems I may have jinxed myself... I was stung today. On the ear of all places, ouch. She kept wanting to get stuck in my hair (rogue bee), we'd get her out and she go straight back in... it was when I was walking away (well away from the hive) that she came and got me. Seems I had better knock on wood! I missed out on seeing one hatch, I was just about to take the photo when she started bothering me.

Hahah oh the irony!! Sorry about that.

I know right! I couldn't believe it... damn thing! Thankfully it didn't hurt for too long.

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